How to de-worm your child?

Anyone can get intestinal worms at any age, but children are more prone to the infections transmitted by them. Therefore de-worming kids are very important for their overall well-being. De-worming treatments aim at eliminating the worms from the body and relieving discomfort occurring due to any infection. Read the article to know all about de-worming from home remedies to preventive measures.

de-worm child

Home Remedies for De-worming

1) Garlic: It acts as a natural de-wormer. Raw garlic contains amino acids with sulphur which kills and expels parasites out of your body. Give your child 3 cloves of garlic empty stomach or boiled milk with 2 crushed garlic cloves, every day.

2) Carom seeds: they are rich in thymol, which will stop intestinal worms to grow. Start your child’s day with a teaspoon of jaggery, and at a gap of 15 minutes, a ¼ spoon of carom seeds with water for about 15 days to expel out worms.

3) Pumpkin seeds: cucurbitacin present in pumpkin seeds make it difficult for the worms to survive inside the body as it paralyzes the worm. Give your child a spoon of crushed pumpkin seeds with honey and warm water.

4) Raw Papaya: an enzyme Papain found in papaya seeds has anti-helminthic properties because of which it kills intestinal worms and expels them out of the body. Mix a tablespoon of grounded papaya seeds in warm milk or water. Give it to your child empty for three days in a row.

5) Bitter Gourd: it helps ease your child discomfort and treats worms. Give your child bitter gourd juice mixed with honey and water, twice a day for better results.

6) Indian Lilac or Neem: it has anti-parasitic properties and works magically against intestinal worms. Give your child a teaspoon of powdered neem leaves or a paste of neem leaf with honey and warm water empty stomach thrice a week until worms flush out.

7) Carrots: helps your body to fight against parasite as it is rich in Vitamin A which boosts your immune system. Make your child eat a carrot every day empty stomach to clear intestinal worms.

8) Turmeric: helps to expel out parasites from the body and also heals the body internally thanks to its antiseptic properties. Give your child a spoon of turmeric with warm water or buttermilk for a week.

9) Coconuts: it not only has strong anti-parasitic properties but is also rich in lauric acid which boosts the immune system, both of which make it most effective in worm eradication. Let your child either eat one tablespoon of grated coconut or have 4-6 teaspoon of virgin coconut oil each morning for a week to treat it and prevent reoccurrence.

10) Cloves: it not only eliminates existing worms but also prevents future infestation. Add one teaspoon of cloves in hot water and let it cool down. Let your child have this 3-4 times a week.

Medicines for de-worming

Medicine for de-worming varies according to kid’s age and type of worm infestation. Oral medication praziquantel is used to treat tapeworm and mebendazole and albendazole is used to treat infection by roundworm.

Acc. to WHO, single-dose of albendazole (400 mg) or mebendazole (500 mg) annual or biannual is recommended for children of 12 months -12 years of age and half-dose of albendazole (i.e. 200 mg) is for children younger than 24 months of age.

Homeopathy medicines for de-worming

Homeopathy can help in treating your child’s complaint in the safest, gentle and effective way. These medicines not only eradicate the worms but also help to improve your child’s overall health. There are several medicines available to treat worm infestation in Homeopathy such as Cina, Teucrium, Spigelia, etc. But the exact selection of medicine depends upon the detailed case taking of the individual patient.

If your child is suffering from intestinal worms, pay attention to it ASAP, and get in touch with us. Here at Dr.Thind’s Homeopathy Clinic, effective and complete treatment is provided for children’s of all ages and adults to cure this disease permanently.

Ways to prevent intestinal worm infestation

1) Wash hands properly with soap before eating anything.
2) To make sure fruits or vegetables are not infested with worms wash them properly with water before eating.
3) Avoid your child from playing barefooted outside in mud, sand, or grass.
4) Avoid eating uncooked meat, especially, pork and fish which often carry worms in them.
5) Make sure your kids use that swimming pool which has hygienic standards maintained.
6) Avoid drinking water from public places and always drink purified water.
7) Trim your kid’s nail regularly as long nails harbor eggs of worms.
8) Ensure that small kids and babies stay clean. Don’t let them in the same diaper for a longer period
9) De-worm your pets too regularly.

For more information, you can visit eMedicine and

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