How To Cleanse Smokers Lungs

The smokers lungs have increased need for micro nutrients in addition to iodine and zinc. People who smoke regularly have nicotine effects which cases degeneration of body cells and slow down regeneration so addiction vitamin supplement reduces side effects of smoking. Read this article till the end to know how Vitamins can help to cleanse smokers lungs.

cleanse smokers lungs vitamin-c

Vitamin C increases immunity and regeneration of body calls so the person is less susceptible to infections.

The food items having rich source of Vitamin C are:-

The vegetable rich in Vitamin C are :-

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower, Green and red peppers, Spinach,cabbage, turnip greens, and other leafy greens,Sweet and white potatoes,Tomatoes and tomato juice.

The Fruits which are rich in Vitamin C are:-

Cantaloupe, Citrus fruits and juices, such as orange and grapefruit, Kiwi fruit, Mango, Papaya, Pineapple, Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries,Watermelon.

Vitamin A food is rich in beta carotene which increases body’s regeneration and helps fight infections and inflammation of lungs.

The food items which are rich in Vitamin A:-

Carrots,Sweet Potato, Green Leafy Veggies, Pumpkin, Liver, Parsley & other herbs,Milk, Fish.

This vitamin helps for healthy vision, skin, bones and other cell tissues in the body. It also works as an antioxidant as it helps in fighting cell damage.

Vitamin E is know to have free radicals which lowers carcinogenic effect on the body.

Vitamin E is also known for reducing chances of Alzheimer disease.

Food which are rich in Vitamin E are:-

Spinach, Avocado, Almonds, Broccoli, Sunflower Seed.

It works as an anti oxidant, it’s action is on the cell membranes where prevents the release of free radical reactions, it is believed that it also helps prevent aging related changes in the body.

There are various diseases of the Central Nervous System like Alzheimer’s disease , dementia, Parkinson’s disease, night cramps, restless leg syndrome, epilepsy .

It is also prescribed in Huntington’s chorea, and other several disorders involving nerves and muscles.


This is an important component as folic acid helps combat anemia which is very important for the body. This Vitamin helps in fighting neurotoxin cased due to nicotine toxicity. That is why it is called as miracle weapon for the body.

Foods rich in Vitamin B9 are:-

Beans, Citrus fruits, Whole grains, Green leafy vegetables, Beets, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Asparagus.

It helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer.

Conclusion: These Vitamins help body combat harmful effects of nicotine however these nutrients intake doesn’t mean smoking will not leave adverse effects but by consuming vitamins but it would lessen the nicotine toxicity. It is advised to not smoke for best results.

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