How Important Vitamin D Is?

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is very essential vitamin in maintaining our health. Vitamin D is the only vitamin which the body can make on its own from sunlight. Vitamin D helps in maintaining health of bones and teeth as it regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in bones. Vitamin D ensures that our muscles, heart, lungs and brain functions well and makes the body capable to fight infections.

Source of vitamin D:


• Main source of vitamin D is sunlight.

• Small number food are a source of vitamin D such as oily fish, eggs, fortified food e.g.
breakfast cereals and powdered milk.

• One can also get vitamin D from supplements.

How vitamin D works?

When the skin is exposed to sunlight it produces vitamin D and sends it to liver. Vitamin D taken through supplements or food is also transferred to liver. Liver changes the vitamin D to a chemical called 25(OH)D. This chemical is transferred to different tissues of the body and then turned into activated vitamin D and now the activated vitamin D is ready to perform its duties.

Who need vitamin D the most?

Following people need daily vitamin D supplement:

• Children aged 6 months to 4 years.
• Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
• People of 65 years of age and above.

Deficiency of vitamin D:

• Rickets:it affects children. Long bones become soft, weak and deformed. Bones of leg bend and bow under their weight as child starts walking. It is due to deficiency of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus.

• Osteomalacia: it is a condition that affects adults. Bones becomes weak, painful and tender.

Excess of vitamin D:

Excess of vitamin D causes vitamin D toxicity. Taking large doses of vitamin D supplements results in vitamin D toxicity. It is a rare condition but the risk increases if you have health problems related to liver and kidney or if you are taking thiazide type diuretics. Always consult a doctor before taking any mineral or vitamin supplement.

Vitamin D supplement leads to buildup of calcium in blood that result in nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, weakness, and frequent urination and kidney problems.


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