Hot flashes

Hot flashes are not a disease rather it is the most common symptoms experienced by women around the time of menopause.

The onset, duration, frequency and severity of hot flashes varies greatly between women, they often begin one or two years before a woman’s last period and can last anywhere from six months to fifteen years.

Hot flashes are also known as hot flushes are a vasomotor symptom of menopause. Some women can experience an aura or feeling of uneasiness, right before the hot flash that alerts them as to what’s coming.

Causes of hot flashes:

•Hormonal change:

•The most common cause of hot flashes in menopausal women is changing levels of estrogen hormone in the body.

–In women who experience hot flashes experience fluctuations in their hormone levels, particularly decreased levels of estrogen.

–When estrogen level is diminished then it has a direct effect on the hypothalamus, hypothalamus is a part of brain which is responsible for controlling appetite, sex hormones, sleep and body temperature.

–Under this theory, the withdrawal of estrogen causes the hypothalamus to produce more norepinephrine and serotonin.

– When these chemicals are released in large amounts heat loss mechanism is easily triggered by changes in the core body temperature, thus causing hot flashes.

Other causes of hot flashes are as follows

• Infection
• Cancer
• Diabetes
• Thyroid disease
• Panic disorder
• Obesity
• Hyperhidrosis
• Medications

Management of hot flashes:

• Warm environment such as hot weather, rooms beds, saunas and showers
• Avoid heat makers such as fireplaces, hair dryers, heaters.
• Stress and anxiety
• Cigarettes smoking
• Over Consumption of caffeine, alcohol and sugar
• Diet pills
• Hot and spicy foods and drinks

Change clothes

Avoid unbreathable and warm fabrics such as wool, synthetics and silk. Linen, rayon and cotton are preferable because they are cooler and more breathable.

Chill out

Lowering the temperature in the surrounding environment can also go long way toward managing hot flashes. Always prefer air conditioning, ceiling and floor fans and even small personal handheld fans.

Keeping cool with water

Controlling for room temperature and conditions a woman can also manage hot flashes by keeping ice water or another cold beverage on hand during the day and night.
To avoid hot flashes in the nighttime, it is wise to take a cool shower before bed.


• Avoid stimulants like caffeine and alcohol, and spicy foods. They all can bring on hot flashes. Spicy food is a major hot-flash promoter.

•”The excess caffeine is important because it acts as a diuretic,”

• Avoid acidic and high sugar-content foods.


• Be calm, exercise and eat balanced meals.

• Take supplements flax seed oil along with mineral magnesium.

• Take a salivary hormone test.

• Watch your weight.


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