
Vitiligo is a skin disorder in which skin cells producing the pigment melanin (the pigment that determines the color of the skin, hair, and eyes) are destroyed, it results in white patches of irregular shapes on the skin. Some of the common homoeopathic medicines for this condition are:-

  1. Arsenic Album: Suited for people prone to dry rough skin where the affected part shows whitish spots and the symptoms are elevated by warm applications. The skin complaints are found to alternate with respiratory troubles.
  2. 2. Ars sulph flavum: This remedy is specially suited in cases characterized by pale or white blotches on the skin with the burning sensation and rapidly spreading discoloration. It is also indicated if there is itching or pricking sensation in patchy areas as symptoms worse during the night.
  3. Calcarea Carbonica: Indicated in patients where there are milky white spots on the body. These white spots can appear anywhere on the body. Unhealthy skin better in cold air with a tendency to free perspiration over neck head and chest.
  4. Mercurius Solubis : suited to patients with constantly moist skin and excessive odorous, viscid perspiration without relief. Itching of skin worse from warmth of bed with swollen glands and vesicular eruptions.
  5. Natrum Carbonicum: Works best when white spots appear on the right cheek and side of the neck with dryness roughness and cracked skin. Anemic milky watery skin with vesicular eruptions in patches and circles
  6. Phosphorus: It is used for skin symptoms with loss of pigmentation in spots and white discoloration of the skin. Phosphorus is specially indicated of rapidly spreading vitiligo across a significant area with extreme sensitivity to light and presence of a burning sensation in the skin.
  7. Sepia: Symptoms indicating Sepia includes eruptions in isolated spots with itching, not relieved by scratching, excessive sweat on feet; with intolerable odor and better by cold bathing.
  8. Silicea: suited to people with pale and waxy skin, tendency to excessive perspiration and oversensititivity to cold wind. Patients usually display a tendency to pus filled eruption in various parts of the body.

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