Pulsatilla: Suitable for women who have late and scanty menses. Tendency to weep. The peculiar characteristic of pulsatilla patient is changeability. Menses are suppressed, scanty and delayed. 

Sepia: Often recommended for women with irregular menstrual cycle, menses too late and scanty, early and profuse. a feeling of weight in the lower abdomen and a tendency to feel cold. Indifferent to those loved best. Weeps when telling her symptoms. Pelvic organs are relaxed. Bearing down sensation as if everything would escape through vulva.

Calcarea Carb: effective for women who experience obesity, heavy periods, and a craving for eggs and chalk. Memses too early too profuse too long. Deficient lactation, with distended breasts in lymphatic women. Sterility with copious menstruation. Aversion to work and exertion.

Phosphorus: this is used for women who have heavy and prolonged menstruation especially if they feel weak. menses too early and scanty-not profuse but last too long. Amenorrhea with vicarious menstruation. Weeps before menses. fearfullness as if something were creeping out of every corner. Great tendency to start easily.

Silicea: suitable for women sensitive to all impressions. Fixed ideas; thinks only for pins, fears them searches and counts them. A milky acrid leucorrhea, during urination. Itching of vulva and vagina; very sensitive. Discharge of blood between periods.

Lachesis:  this is indicated in the persons with great loquacity. No desire to mix with world, restless and uneasy. Manses too short too feeble; all pains relieved by the flow. Left ovary very painful and swollen. Worse from pressure of clothes. Very important during the climacteric and for patients of a melancholic disposition.

Natrium Muriaticum:  A great remedy for females with suppressed menstruation. Irregular menstruation usually profuse. Dryness of vagina. Leucorrhea acrid and watery. Complaints start after prolonged suppressed grief, depressed feeling particularly in chronic disease. Consolation aggravates the problem. Prefers to be alone and cry. 

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