Lichen Planus

Lichen Planus is an uncommon inflammatory condition of skin, mouth, and genitals. It is thought to be due to abnormal immune reaction provoked by a viral infection or a drug. It is usually presented as a shiny itchy rash, small bumps, pink or purple in color, mouth ulcers or rash, bluish tongue or cheek.

Homeopathic medicines which can be given in treating this condition effectively are:


Borax veneta: It is usually indicated when blisters mostly appear in the mouth. It works in an excellent way in the cases of Oral Lichen planus, with unhealthiness of the skin. The mucus membrane of the mouth appears to be much reddened, easily bleeding during eating or when touched with a hot mouth.

Agaricus muscarius: Eruptions are circumscribed, erythematous, papular and pustular with edematous lesions. Skin shows burning, swelling and itching as from frost bite. Sensations as if pierced by needles of ice is the characteristic symptoms of this remedy

Thuja occidentalis: Indicated in old lichen planus cases. Tendency to have unhealthy skin in general. Dry skin with brown patches. Tendency to sweat profuse with sweetish, strong smell. Nails crippled, brittle and soft.

Antimonium Crudum: Skin shows thick, hard scabs, often honey yellow, here and there a crack oozing a green sanious fluid, burning as if immersed in hot embers. Itching specially on the neck, chest, back and limbs, worse hot of bed which prevents sleep.

Ars iod: Suited to patients with dry, scaly, itching skin, showing marked exfoliation of skin in large scales, leaving a raw exuding surface beneath. Enlarged scrofulous glands with debilitating night sweats are common to this remedy.

Ignitia Amara: Useful in lichen planus involving genital area. Itching, nettle-rash. Very sensitive to the draught of air. Excoriation, especially around vagina and mouth.

Sulphur iod: Suited in obstinate skin affections like barbers itch, acne and lichen planus. Itching on ears, nose and in urethra with papular eruption on face and cold sores on lips. Arms are covered with itching rash and hair feels as if erect

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