Inflammatory bowel disease is an autoimmune disorder. It is a group of chronic inflammatory disease that causes inflammation of digestive tract.
Homeopathic medicine prescribed for the management of symptoms of IBD are as follows:-
- Argentum nitricum
- Arsenicum album
- Merc corrosivus
- Nitric acid
- Podophyllum
1.Argentum nitricum
This medicine is effective in treating patients of IBD suffering from:
Diarrhea with mucous and blood
Stool is watery, noisy, green, like chopped spinach, very offensive
Diarrhea immediately after eating or drinking
Excessive gastric accumulation
Fearful and nervous, impulse to jump out of the window
Time passes slowly, always hurried
Anxieties marked
2. Arsenic album
This medicine is used in patients with the following symptoms:
Burning pains like coals of fire; relieved by heat
Craves acids and coffee
Gastralgia from slightest sight or smell of food
Small, offensive stool with great prostration
Dysentery, dark, bloody and very offensive.
Fear of disease and death with sudden chills
<night, after eating or drinking, from chilling the stomach, alcohol abuse, spoiled meat
3. Merc corrosivus
This medicine is used in cases of ulcerative colitis with the following symptoms:
Stool hot, bloody, slimy, offensive
Cutting pains not relieved by stool
Shreds of mucous membranes
Bruised sensation in the abdomen, bloating, very painful to touch
Used in tenesmus of the rectum, involves the bladder as well
Urethritis, burning urine, scanty or suppressed, bloody
4. Nitric acid
This medicine is given in patients of IBD suffering with the following symptoms:
Great straining in the abdomen while passing stool
Tearing pains during stools
Rectum feels as if torn, pains lasting for hours after passing stool
Bright hemorrhages from the intestines
Stool slimy and offensive, prostration after passing stool
Pains > tightening clothes
5. Podophyllum
It is one of the most beneficial medicines for IBD when the symptoms are:
Diarrhea with watery, greenish and offensive stool
Painless diarrhea < morning and >by the evening
Pain in the upper abdomen > rubbing the part
Constipation with clay colored, hard, dry, difficult stool
Constipation alternating with diarrhea