Argentum nitricum 

  • This medicine is effective in treating patients of IBD suffering from:
  • Diarrhea with mucous and blood
  • Stool is watery, noisy, green, like chopped spinach, very offensive
  • Diarrhea immediately after eating or drinking
  • Excessive gastric accumulation
  • Fearful and nervous, impulse to jump out of the window
  • Time passes slowly, always hurried
  • Anxieties marked

Arsenic album

  • This medicine is used in patients with the following symptoms:
  • Burning pains like coals of fire; relieved by heat
  • Craves acids and coffee
  • Gastralgia from slightest sight or smell of food
  • Small, offensive stool with great prostration
  • Dysentery, dark, bloody and very offensive.
  • Fear of disease and death with sudden chills
  • <night, after eating or drinking, from chilling the stomach, alcohol abuse, spoiled meat 

Merc corrosivus

  • This medicine is used in cases of ulcerative colitis with the following symptoms:
  • Stool hot, bloody, slimy, offensive
  • Cutting pains not relieved by stool
  • Shreds of mucous membranes
  • Bruised sensation in the abdomen, bloating, very painful to touch
  • Used in tenesmus of the rectum, involves the bladder as well
  • Urethritis, burning urine, scanty or suppressed, bloody


Nitric acid

  • This medicine is given in patients of IBD suffering with the following symptoms:
  • Great straining in the abdomen while passing stool
  • Tearing pains during stools
  • Rectum feels as if torn, pains lasting for hours after passing stool
  • Bright hemorrhages from the intestines
  • Stool slimy and offensive, prostration after passing stool
  • Pains > tightening clothes



  • It is one of the most beneficial medicines for IBD when the symptoms are:
  • Diarrhea with watery, greenish and offensive stool
  • Painless diarrhea < morning and >by the evening
  • Pain in the upper abdomen > rubbing the part
  • Constipation with clay colored, hard, dry, difficult stool
  • Constipation alternating with diarrhea

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