
Hypothyroidism is a medical condition in which the thyroid gland is not able to produce enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system and is responsible for producing thyroid hormones, which are important for metabolic health, growth and development. It helps in controlling functions of heart, muscle and digestion, brain development and bone maintenance.

Following are the common homeopathic medicines used in the case of hypothyroidism:

  1. 1. Natrum muriaticum: suited to people with irritability, restlessness and nervousness that appear emaciated with neck showing maximum thinning. Excessive exhaustion and weakness accompanies the condition with protruding eyes. Patient complains of violent palpitations, shaking the whole body worse on exertion. Craving for salt is the characteristic symptom.
  2. Graphites: well suited to cases of hypothyroidism with obese and oversensitive to cold patients. Patient has persistent constipation with hard stool which passes with great difficulty in lumps. Feeling of fullness in abdomen due to gas.
  3. Thyroidinum: most common medicine used to manage cases of hypothyroidism. Cases with arrested mental and physical development. There is difficulty in concentration and irritable before menses. Inclination to excessive obesity and weight gain. Patient has a craving for excessive sugar.
  4. Calcarea Carbonicum: It is suited to fat, flabby, fair constitution that are always chilly and cannot tolerate cold air. Excessive sweating on head is a leading symptom of this medicine. Craving for boiled eggs, desire for indigestible things like chalk, pencils, lime. Women with hypothyroidism have too early, too profuse and too early, too profuse and too long menses with vertigo, toothache and cold damp feet.
  5. Sepia: Patient is very weak with a pale yellow face, and extremely sensitivity to cold. Patients with hypothyroidism where menses are too early and heavy, with extreme constipation. Patient feels cold even in a warm ROOM.
  6. Iodum: It is used when the thyroid gland is enlarged, hyperactive and the metabolic functions of the body are accelerated. The thyroid gland may also be indurated and hard along with its enlargement. Lose weight even after eating a lot. Patient feels very hot and constantly in need of cool air. Tachycardia with a rapid, accelerated pulse rate. Palpitations may arise from the least exertion.
  7. Lycopodium: suited to people with excessive hair fall, pale yellow face with blue circles around the eyes. Patient has a craving for hot and sweet foods. Physically weak patient with excessive irritability.

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