
The word arthritis stands for joint inflammation; It usually affects the areas in or around joints such as muscles and tendons; sometimes it may also affect skin and internal organs. Some of the common homoeopathic medicines given to treat this condition are:-

  • RUTA
  1. Aconite Napellus: Rheumatic inflammation of joints, worse at night; red shiny swelling, very sensitive. Suited to patients complaining of numbness and tingling with shooting pains, icy coldness and insensibility of limbs.
  2. Apis Mellifica: This medicine is indicated in rheumatic pains especially affecting back and limbs with tired bruised feeling. Feet feel swollen and stiff with numbeness of hands and tips of fingers
  3. 3. Belladonna: Most beneficial in patients suffering from shooting pains along the limbs with red, swollen, shining joints and tottering gait , patient suffer from involuntary limping and sudden jerks and limps.
  4. Bryonia: Bursting, stiching, painful joints worse on slightest motion and pressure. Better by rest. Patients complains of stitches and stiffness in small of back with hot swelling of feet
  5. Causticum: This medicine manifest its action mainly in chronic rheumatic, arthritic and paralytic affection indicated by the tearing drawing pain in the muscular and fibrous tissues with deformities about the joints and progressive loss of muscular strength .
  6. Ledum Pal: Affects specially the cases of rheumatic diathesis where rheumatism begins in feet and travels upwards. Patient complain of swollen ankles with painful sole and cracking of joints; worse from warmth of bed.
  7. Medorrhinum: Chronic rheumatism, pain in back with burning heat; works best in cases of gouty concretions, heaviness in legs and enlarged finger joints. The patient is very restless, feels better by clutching hands.
  8. Ruta: acts upon the periosteum and cartilages especially affecting flexors, tendons. Marked by bruised feeling in limbs and spine with pain and stiffness in wrist and hands

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