
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis is a condition that causes the skin to become dry, itchy and bumpy. This condition weakens the skin’s barrier function; hence making it more prone to increased sensititivity. The most common symptoms are Itching ,Dry, scaly skin, Swelling and inflammation, Red purple or brown rashes ,Scaly patches at the site of the rash, Lightened or darkened skin spots, Thick, leathery skin, Raw, sensitive skin from scratching, Oozing and crusting.

Some of the commonly prescribed medicines are:-

  1. 1. Arsenic album: Most adaptable to itching, burning, swellings and papular eruptions of the skin. Skin is dry, rough, and scaly with burning and restlessness worse scratching and cold exposure.
  2. Baryta Mur: Suited to patients with small itching eruptions on the head, nape of the neck, abdomen and thighs followed by burning and pricking in exfoliated places. Glands appear in inflamed and ulcerated with increased persperiration.
  3. Bovista Lycoperdon: Has a marked effect on skin producing eruptions like eczema which is moist and forms thick crust. Pimples cover the entire body with rheumatic lameness, palpitation and diarrhea. Itching worse on getting warm.
  4. Calcarea sulph: Indicated to patients with eczema and torpid glandular swellings .Skin affections with yellowish scabs, easily formed cuts, wounds, bruises with discharging pus and purulent exudations in or upon the skin.
  5. 5. Cicuta Virosa: Patients that complain of eczema with no itching and exudations forming into hard lemon colored crust. Also suitable in cases of suppressed eruption causing brain ailments. Elevated eruptions as large as the size of pea is a marked symptom.
  6. Dulcamara: Humid eruption on face, genitals, hands correspond to the usage of this remedy. Vesicular eruptions with thick yellow brown crust bleed when scratched.
  7. Graphitis: Rough hard persistent dryness of portions of skin unaffected by eczema oozing out a sticky exudation indicated this remedy. Skin is unhealthy with every little injury suppurates
  8. Sulphur: It has an elective affinity for the skin symptoms where it produces heat and burning with itching made worse by warmth of bed. Skin shows pimply eruptions, pustules and excoriation. Skin affection after local medication often recurring in spring time and damp weather.

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