Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is defined as the wear and tear in the vertebrae and intervertebral disk of the neck resulting in degeneration of the cervical spine. The degeneration of the spine causes reduced elasticity of intervertebral disk resulting in more risk of injury and tear.

Homeopathic medicines which can be given in treating this condition effectively are:

  • RUTA
  1. Arnica Montana: given to patients with great fear of being touched or approached. Pain in the back and limbs, as if bruised or beaten. Sprained and dislocated feeling. Soreness after overexertion. Everything on which he lies seems too hard. Deathly coldness of the forearm.
  2. Bryonia Alba: associated with symptoms like stiffness and pain in the neck worse exertion and motion with a desire to keep neck still. Pain that is relieved by rest or gentle pressure. Patient complaints of dry mouth and excessive thirst.
  3. Kalmia: it is often associated with symptoms like severe, shooting, or sharp pains in the neck and upper back that may radiate down the arm, often with numbness and tingling. Pain is aggravated by motion, especially turning the head and may shift from side to side.
  4. Causticum: best suited in cases with dull, tearing pain in the hands and arms. Heaviness and weakness with tearing pain in joints. Unsteadiness of the muscles of forearm and hand. Numbness with loss of sensation in the hands. Rheumatic tearing pains in the limbs; better by warmth, especially heat of bed burning in joints. Unsteady walking and easy falling. Restless legs at night.
  5. Phytolacca: adapted to patients with shooting pain in right shoulder with stiffness and an inability to raise the arm. Rheumatic pains worse in the morning. Pains fly like electric shocks, shooting, lancinating, shifting rapidly. Pain on the underside of thighs. Syphilitic sciatica. Pain like shocks. Pain in legs, patient dreads to get up.
  6. Rhus tox: Loss of power in forearm and fingers, crawling sensation in the tips of fingers. Hot, painful swelling of joints. Pain tearing in tendons, ligaments and fasciae. Rheumatic pains spread over a large surface at the nape of neck, loins and extremities, better motion. The cold fresh air is not tolerated, it makes the skin painful.
  7. Sticta Pulmonale: Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder joint, deltoid and biceps. Swelling, heat, redness of joints. Spot of inflammation and redness over affected area. Pain severe and drawing. Chorea-like spasms. Joints and neighboring muscles red, swollen, painful. Rheumatic Worse sudden changes in temperature.

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