
Natrium Sulphuricum 

  • It is made from the sulphate of sodium and also known as Glauber’s Salt. The complaints are worse in rainy weather, from water in any form and feel better by warm, dry air.
  • Dyspnea during rainy weather
  • Must hold the chest while coughing
  • Rattling in chest < 4-5am
  • Cough with thick, greenish expectoration
  • Constant desire for deep, long inspiration
  • Asthma in children
  • Every fresh cold brings on asthma attack


Tuberculinum –

  • It is a nosode from tubercular abscess and does not contain any part of the original drug substance but it only contains the dynamic powers of the drug.
  • Hard, dry cough during sleep
  • Shortness of breath, suffocation even with plenty of fresh air
  • Longs for cold air
  • Hard, hacking cough, profuse sweating and weight loss

Spongia tosta

  • An indicative remedy for asthma with dry cough, croup, etc.
  • Cough due to extreme dryness of air passages
  • Cough, dry, barking, croupy, larynx sensitive to touch
  • Difficult inspiration, sensation of a plug in the larynx
  • Cough abates after eating or drinking warm drinks
  • Bronchial catarrh with wheezing, asthmatic cough, with profuse expectoration and suffocation<lying with head low, warm room, cold air



  • It is the most frequently used medicine for asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.
  • Sputum persistently mucopurulent, profuse, and bloody
  • Cough with expectoration of little granules like shot, offensive <daytime
  • Stitching pain in the chest extending to the back
  • Violent cough<lying down with thick, yellow lumpy expectoration

Hepar sulph

It is an indicative remedy for asthma attack when exposed to dry, cold wind.

  • Cough troublesome when walking
  • Difficult breathing, sleepless nights
  • Yellow or whitish cloudy sputum<cold air, uncovering
  • Choking cough, rattling, suffocative attacks<rise up and bending head backwards.
  • Wheezing with whistling sound while breathing

Antimonium tart

  • It is helpful for patients who wake up at night due to breathing difficulty. Suited for both young and aged children.
  • Cannot inhale enough air to breathe and experience an excessive and rattling cough
  • Burning sensation in the chest, ascending up the throat
  • Bronchial tubes loaded with mucous
  • Eating excites cough, with pain in the chest
  • Dyspnea > eructations.
  • Cough and dyspnea > lying down on the right side

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