Homeopathic medicines are prepared largely from naturally occurring substances like:
1) Plant kingdom
2) Animal kingdom
3) Mineral kingdom
The particles of the substances are diluted as per homeopathic guidelines these substances lose their natural toxicity and only the medicinal curative properties remain active.

How are homeopathic medicines tested?
Homeopathy is the only science where the homeopathic drugs proved on healthy human beings of all ages and on both sexes.
1) Plant Kingdom
There are over many homeopathic drugs that have been proved and are in use world over. The process of preparing is unique. It comes in various potency.
There are so many drugs which are prepared from the plant kingdom. Some examples are:
1. Drug name = ocimum sanctum
Common name = tulsi
2. Drug name = syzygium jambolanum
Common name = java plum,jamun
2) Animal Kingdom
Many homeopathic drugs are prepared from the animal kingdom which is prepared in a similar manner as that of the plant kingdom the only difference being here the part of an animal is taken to prepare the medicine. A few examples of animal kingdom drugs are listed below:
1. Drug name = tarantula hispanica
Common name = Spanish spider
2. Drug name = sepia
Common name = dried inky juice of cuttlefish
3) Mineral Kingdom
The remedies under this category are such as:
1. Calcarea carbonica = (caco#3)
2. Calcarea phosphoric = (ca3(po4)2)
3. Natrum muriaticum = (Nacl)
Acids also included in this category such as:
1. Nitric acid
2. Phosphoric acid
The metals which are included in this category are as follows:
1. Drug name = cuprum metallicum
Common name = copper
2. Drug name = ferrum metallicum
Common name = iron
As per WHO standard guidelines, Homeopathic medicines are the safest mode of treatment.