Limitation of Homeopathy

Every system of medicine has its own limitations where it fails to work or act. Same as in homeopathy also, it has also its limitations.

A good homeopath should always be aware of his/her limitations so that he/she can guide a patient well according to his state of health and type of illness.

Proper advice at the exact time can save lives and also justify the role of a responsible physician.

1) Accident cases/surgeries/malignancies: Most of emergency situations like accidents, poisonings, specific surgeries like in perforations, lithiasis and malignancies, etc, one should go for an allopathic system of medicine as homeopathy can’t help in such situations.

2) Irreversible pathology: Homeopathy can’t help in few diseases where the pathology of diseases progresses and is irreversible.

3) Genetic defects: In most of the congenital deformities like spinal bifida, and progressing diseases like osteoarthritis where pathology becomes worse one should opt for surgical interventions and homeopathy has become no role over that place.

Important Note: The biggest limitation of homeopathy is a “homeopath” itself. As a very few homeopathic practicing doctors are qualified. Most of the unprofessional and unqualified physicians are harming the status of homeopathy and also producing obstacles in the progress of homeopathy. So when they practice homeopathy doesn’t work as they don’t know principles, laws and scientific approach of homeopathy.

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