Homeopathy Remedies Helpful In Chikungunya

Homeopathy has a very good scope in the treatment of chikungunya. It offers many medicines which are helpful for both the treatment and prevention of Chikungunya. Remedies used in homoeopathy treatment in case of chikungunya are decided on the basis of patients’ totality of symptoms.

Indications of some important Homoeopathic remedies:


Eupatorium- Perfoliatum

Eupatorium perf. is considered as a preventive medicine for Chikungunya. It will remove the debilitating joint pains. It is also Known as “Boneset” as it relieves pain in limbs and muscles that accompanies some forms of the febrile disease.

All conditions where there is a great deal of distressing bone pain with general soreness and fevers. The leading characteristic is violent aching, bone breaking pains, great soreness of muscles and bones. The patient is restless, chilly and nauseated.


Rhus-tox has mark effects on joints, tendons, sheaths producing pains and stiffness.
This affects the skin, rheumatic pains, mucous membrane disorders. It causes Stiffness of muscles and joints. Pains are tearing, shooting, stitching, worse at night, cannot rest in any position. Parts feel sore, bruised and stiff. Fever with polyarthritis and maculopapular rashes. Pain and stiffness in joints.


High fever with burning heat. No thirst with fever. Joints swollen, red, shining with red streaks radiating. Heat, redness, throbbing and burning.


It is indicated in fevers with marked redness of body. Patient’s head is intensely hot, while the rest of body remains cold. Chilly with heat and redness of one cheek. It indicated for sour sweats at night. Thirst during chill. Must uncover but it chills him, Shivering over the whole body. The coldness of part lain on.

It is recommended that before taking any medication do consult a homoeopathic physician. Never do self-medications as every case has its own remedy. 

Read more about Chikungunya.


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