A good physician treats the disease; a great physician treats the patient who has the disease.

William Osler

Origin Of Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy is a popular and effective medical discipline developed and introduced by the celebrated German Physician, Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann in the year 1796. It is a therapeutic method which is based on the law “Similia Similibus Curentur” which means “Let like be cured by like” meaning any substance, which can produce symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in a sick person.

How Does Homoeopathy Work?

Holisitic Approach Of Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy treats the patient as a whole and not just the disease. It not only alleviates the presenting symptoms but also reestablishes internal harmony (homoeostasis) and works at the deepest levels to provide a lasting cure. It works to stimulate the body’s own healing powers thus ensuring effective, safe, permanent cure in most. It considers physical, mental and emotional well being of the patient as all these parameters are intricately related and promotes the overall wellness of the patient without using harmful, invasive treatment methods.

Benefits Of Holistic Approach

What Led To Discovery Of Homoeopathy?

While his translation work was going on he came across a comment from Cullen’s work, Materia Medica which stated it was the bitter taste of cinchona bark that cured Malaria. This aroused the curiosity of Dr. Hahnemann and he experimented the medicine on his body. Surprisingly, his body showed symptoms of Malaria and then he tested the same on his family members also. This was the first ever drug proving that led to the discovery of Homoeopathy in 1790.

The discovery of homoeopathy can be owned to the dissatisfaction of conventional drug treatment of Hahnemann over in his times, the harmful treatment methods urged Hahnemann to step out of the orthodox medicine and develop a system of medicine which was not only effective but gentle in its approach to healing.

This stands true in today’s time as well, there are more and more dissatisfaction growing around the conventional mode of treatment among the masses due to various side effects, limitations and gradual build up of resistance to various drugs and antibiotics.                      

Where Does Homoeopathy Work?