Homeopathy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Homeopathy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A Carpal tunnel is a narrow band made of fibrous tissue, which gives support to the wrist. Through this tunnel, the median nerve and ligaments pass out. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs due to compression of the median nerve while passing through the carpal tunnel, leading to numbness, pain, tingling, or weakness of the hands.

Common causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are-

• Hereditary
• Repetitive motions- like typing, writing, piano player, driving vehicles, sewing, using hand tools.
• Hand or wrist position
• Medical conditions like hypothyroidism, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes.
• Others- Wrist fracture and dislocation or hand/wrist deformity.
• Older age

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Homeopathy is one of the most effective treatment in cases of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

• Homeopathic medicines help to reduce inflammation and swelling of the carpal tunnel. Thus, results in reducing the pressure on the median nerve.
• Homeopathy helps to relieve pain, burning, or stiffness, providing a substitute for painkillers.
• There are no side effects of homeopathic medicines and timely taken homeopathic treatment can also prevent the need for surgery.
• Taking rest, activity changes, icing the wrist, certain exercises, wearing a wrist splint are some of the measures, which can be helpful along with homeopathic medicines.

Few Homeopathic medicines which work well in cases of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are Causticum, Ruta, Plumbum Met, Hypericum, Arnica are-

1. Ruta graveolens-

Ruta is indicated after overuse of joints and after a sudden strain or fracture of the wrist. A feeling of bruising and lameness, with weakness of arms and wrist, may be present, especially after repetitive tasks causing wear and tear on the joints and nerves.

2. Causticum-

Causticum is indicated in cases of re-occurring or long-lasting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is indicated when there is stiffness with a feeling of weakness and contraction of the muscles of the hand and forearm. Unsteadiness of muscles of forearm and hand. Numbness with loss of sensation in hands. The condition gets worse from cold and better by warm application.

3. Hypericum-

Hypericum is indicated in cases where there is an injury or trauma relating to the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome. There is a tingling or burning sensation or numbness in the thumb and fingers. The person complains of a sensation of something crawling on the fingers.

4. Plumbum Metallicum-

Plumbum Met is usually indicated in the advance stage when muscles of the hand and fingers start to atrophy or degenerate. There is the extreme weakness of hand and fingers with the inability to raise or lift anything with hand. Twitching, tingling, numbness, pain, or tremor may be present in the affected hand.

5. Arnica-

This remedy is indicated when the complaint occurs after an injury. Arnica is most helpful when soreness and weakness in the fingers are prominent, especially after over-exertion. The person lacks the strength to grip things with his hand in such cases. Sprained and dislocated feeling may also be present.

Also Read: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

For more information, you can visit WebMD and MedicalNewsToday.

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