Homeopathy A Safe And Effective Cure For Kidney Stones

Are you looking for an effective remedy for the removal of kidney stones? Does homeopathy have a cure for kidney stones?

Kidney stones or renal calculi are solid concretions or crystal aggregations of the minerals dissolved in urine. These commonly form inside the kidneys or the gallbladder. Kidney stone is a very common disease associated with the urinary tract and occurs more in men than in women.

Homeopathy is the most natural mode of treatment for kidney stones and it cures the underlying cause of the problem. Homeopathic medicines for kidney stone are dual action remedies which are natural and safe.

First, they help remove the stones present in the urinary tract either by crushing them into fine sand-like particles or in a few cases, in the intact state.

Secondly, they hold the promise of completing removing the tendency towards stone formation in the future. While selecting the appropriate Homeopathic medicine for kidney stone, the side affected is considered along with the pain and associated symptoms. Kidney stones can be safely handled with properly selected Homeopathic medicines.

Berberis Vulgaris is a very effective medicine for the kidney stones but excessive intake of berberis or self prescription may harm you, generally people think that homeopathic medications do not have any side effects but beware…self medication is harmful!
cure for kidney stones

  • Before taking berberis, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or health care professional if you have allergies (especially to plants), have any medical condition, or if you take other medicines or other herbal/health supplements. Berberis may not be recommended in some situations.
  • Do not take barberry without first talking to your doctor if you are pregnant or could become pregnant. It is not known whether barberry will harm an unborn baby.
  • Do not take barberry without first talking to your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. It is also not known whether barberry will harm a nursing infant.
  • There is no information available regarding the use of berberis by children. Do not give any herbal/health supplement to a child without first talking to the child’s doctor.
  • For adults it can be used only after consulting the physician and should be taken as per the instructions given by your doctor. If taken without consultation or taken excessively, this may result in diarrhea, epistaxis, vomiting, kidney problem, backache, etc.

Berberis Vulgaris is hugely popular among Homeopathic medicines for kidney stones.

Effective homeopathic medicine for kidney stones.

The symptoms guiding prescription of Homeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris are pain in the kidney radiating to ureter, bladder and urethra. The pain radiates further down to
the thighs, there is a sharp, stitching and shooting pain. The patient may be unable to move or even sit on his painful side. The pain may run up to the kidneys or down to the bladder as well.

Burning sensation may accompany the pain.

Another sign to look out for is green or red urine with thick mucus. The kidney pain worsens with motion and jerking. Berberis is efficient in giving relief to such pain. The patient may also experience burning and soreness in the kidney along with severe distress. The urine is dark and turbid in nature with copious sediment and urine flow becomes slow. There is an increased urge for urination.

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