Homeopathic medicines work wonders for anal fissures

Cutting pain during and after passing stool with bleeding and itching is a very discomfortable symptom. And, if a person has to go through this unbearable pain every time of passing stool then the life becomes miserable.

Anal fissure refers to a tear in the anus. If the person is constipated and stool is long and hard then he is more prone to anal fissures. Long hard stool is difficult to defecate and it causes tear in the passage. Repeated diarrhea is also the major cause in creating trauma to the anal lining and resulting in anal fissure.

Usually fissure heals on its own within a week like a small cut on skin heals on its own. Is a fissure does not heals for more than 6 weeks it is called chronic anal fissure. It is uncommon but heals with treatment.

How anal fissure look like?

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Homeopathic medicine for anal fissure with pain after passing stool:

Sedum acre, aesculus and ratanhia are very beneficial remedies in reducing pain after passing stool. Ratanhia gives relief in both pain and burning.

Homeopathic medicine for anal fissure with bleeding from anus:

Nitric acid and phosphorus are good remedies for treating anal fissure with bleeding from anus. Phosphorus in mostly indicated when stool is very offensive.

Homeopathic medicine for anal fissure with itching in anus:

Sulphur is the best homeopathic medicine that deals with itching in anus due to anal fissure. Sulphur gives relief when itching is accompanied by burning in anus.

Homeopathic medicine for anal fissure with offensive anal discharge:

Silicea and paeonia are very useful remedies. These remedies are indicated when discharge from anus us pus like with offensive odour. Silicea is indicated when stool is very difficult to pass, stool passes out partially then recedes back.


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