Homeopathic Management In Achalasia Cardia

How homeopathy helps in relieving the symptoms of achalasia cardia?

Achalasia cardia is a rare mobility disorder of the esophagus that makes it difficult in swallowing liquid or solid food to pass into the stomach due to failure of muscle relaxation in the lower oesophageal sphincter. The symptoms include regurgitation of undigested food, chest pain, heartburn, and weight loss.

Homeopathic medicines are quite useful in the treatment of Achalasia cardia. It helps in strengthening and improving the muscle tone in the oesophageal sphincter. Homeopathic medicines work at a deeper level and improve the overall health of the patient. Homeopathic medicines are helpful in the prevention of unnecessary complications and relapses.

5 Homeopathic medicines for achalasia cardia:

Alumina is a well-suited homeopathic remedy that helps in managing the symptom of difficulty in swallowing. There is a sensation of lump present in the throat. It can swallow but small morsels at a time. It helps in managing the symptoms of constriction of the esophagus.

Kali carb

This medicine is indicated for difficulty in swallowing when the food is stuck in the food pipe. The patient complains that food goes down in the food pipe slowly. There is easy choking of the food while eating. The patient felt sticking pain in the throat while eating.


This remedy is helpful for difficulty in swallowing saliva or liquids. A sensation as if something is swollen and must be consumed. There is no difficulty in swallowing solid foods.


Phosphorus is a good remedy for achalasia cardia where there is a regurgitation of food. This happens immediately after swallowing the food. The comes up again in the mouth. There is a contraction of the cardiac opening, which is too narrow, and the food is hardly swallowed.

Carbo veg

Carbo veg is an effective homeopathic medicine for achalasia cardia for managing symptoms. It covers heartburn in achalasia cardia patients. Feels nausea in the morning. Pain feels in the epigastrium region. Epigastrium is very sensitive-putrid or sour eructations after eating and drinking.

For more information, you can visit WebMD and Mayoclinic.

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