Iron Test

What is Iron Test? Iron Profile Test? Serum Iron? What does this test indicate? What should your Iron levels be? How is it done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

Q1. Normal values of iron?

If haemoglobin levels are lower than normal levels, it indicates anaemia. Normal values of haemoglobin are:

Men: 13.5 to 17.5 g/dl

Women: 12 to 15.5 g/dl

Children: 11 to 14 g/dl

Q2. How iron deficiency anemia diagnosed?

Test used to diagnose anemia is by haemoglobin. The Complete Blood Count measures many parts of your blood. The test checks your hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. Hemoglobin is the iron-rich protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body.

Q3. How much iron do we need in a day?

Children (between 2-11 years): 13.7–15.1 mg/day

Teens (between 12-19 years): 16.3 mg/day

Men: 19.3–20.5 mg/day

Women: 17.0–18.9 mg/day

Q4. What are the symptoms of low iron in the body?

Iron deficiency can cause anemia, which means you have too little hemoglobin and the symptoms are:


-shortness of breath


-headache or dizziness

-palpitations, etc.

Q5. What are the conditions which lower down the iron in the body?

Slow and chronic blood loss within the body leads to the loss of iron from the body that are:

-peptic ulcer

-hiatus hernia

-colon polyp or

-Colo-rectal cancer

-Gastrointestinal bleeding can result from regular use of pain relievers, especially aspirin.

Q6. How much iron do we need if you are anaemic?

150-200 mg per day i.e.(2 to 5 mg of iron per kilogram of body weight per day).

Q7. What will happen if you take too much iron?

Excess of iron intake leads to iron toxicity in the body. Symptoms of iron toxicity includes:



-diarrhea and

-stomach pain

-excessive iron can accumulate in the organs, and cause fatal damage to the liver or brain.

Q8. Symptoms of too much iron in the body?

-weakness/chronic fatigue.

-joint pains

-abdominal pain

-liver diseases (cirrhosis, liver cancer)

-diabetes mellitus

-irregular heart beat

-heart attack

-changes in skin color.

Q9. What is an iron profile test?

The serum iron test measures the amount of iron in the blood. it is measured with other iron test such as serum ferritin, transferrin and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC).

Differential Diagnosis:

-Obstructive jaundice

-Celiac disease

-Irritable bowel disease

-Thalassemia, etc.

For more information, you can visit HealthDirect and NIH.

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