RPR Test

What is the RPR Test? Why is the test done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post, and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is an RPR test?

RPR or rapid plasma reagin test is used for the screening for syphilis. This test measures the antibody present against syphilis.

Also Read: Gonorrhea
What is syphilis?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection which can pass through the vagina, orally or through sexual contact with an infected person. It can through a pregnant woman to the fetus.

What is the use of the RPR test?

This test is used to check the presence of antibodies which are special proteins formed against syphilis infection whenever a person gets this disease.

What are the symptoms indicative of this test?

The following symptoms indicate this test:

  • Fever
  • Painless chancres on genitals, anus, rectum or mouth.
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Red rashes (hands, feet)
  • Swollen glands
  • Patchy Hair loss
  • Muscle aches
What are the risk factors that indicate this test?

The following are the risk factors which indicate the RPR test:

  • Unprotected sex
  • HIV infection
  • Multiple sexual partners
  • Infected with gonorrhea
  • Sexual intercourse with males having another male sexual partner
What if RPR is positive?

If RPR comes out to be positive, it means that the antibodies against syphilis are present but confirmation for syphilis requires another test.

What if RPR is negative?

If RPR comes out to be negative, it means that there is no infection present but another test for this confirmation is required if exposure to syphilis infection is recorded and antibodies might take time to form.

What are the preparations to be done before the RPR test?

There are no special preparations required for the blood test for syphilis. A blood sample is taken from the vein and there can be slight bruising at the site from where the blood sample is taken following the test.

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