Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Test

What is the Rheumatoid factor (RF) test? Why is the test done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post, and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is the rheumatoid factor (RF) test?

It detects the amount of rheumatoid factor (RF) in the blood.

Also Read: CRP
What is the rheumatoid factor (RF)?

It is a protein found in the blood when you have an autoimmune disorder. Usually, the immune system builds up antibodies in response to foreign antigens. But RA factor is an antibody that attacks the body’s own cells and tissues by mistake.

Is it normal to have rheumatoid factor (RF) in your blood?

It is not generally present in the body, but if you have certain levels or higher levels of RA factor present in the blood it indicates an autoimmune disorder or any other health issue related to RA factor.

What is the role of this test?

It is used to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders. It also helps in detecting the severity of this condition and monitoring if the treatment is going well.

What is the normal range of rheumatoid factor (RF)?

There are many ways of measurement and antibody titer test is one of them. It measures the number of specific antibodies present in the blood and expresses it in ratio. The normal ratio is 1:80. If it is >1:80, it is considered a positive result.

Why should I get it done?

If you’re having symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, you should get it done:

  • Joint pains lasting for 30 minutes or more
  • Swelling, tenderness, and rise in temperature of that affected joint
  • Morning stiffness
  • Fatigue
  • Intermittent fevers
  • Appetite diminished
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness
  • Other issues like dry eyes, dry mouth
  • Firm lumps beneath the skin
What does a positive rheumatoid factor (RF) indicate?

A positive result means you have a high level of rheumatoid factor in your blood. It is not a screening test for rheumatoid arthritis, and you may need other tests to diagnose this condition.

It doesn’t always mean you have rheumatoid arthritis, but if it is high in amount that indicates you’re more likely to have a condition linked to rheumatoid factors like:

  • Certain carcinomas
  • Inflammatory lung diseases like sarcoidosis
  • Chronic infections like tuberculosis, hepatitis C
  • Sjogren’s disease
  • Mixed connective tissue disease
  • SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus)
What does a negative rheumatoid factor (RF) indicate?

A negative result means you have little or no rheumatoid factor in your blood. But it doesn’t mean you don’t have rheumatoid arthritis. Some people with rheumatoid arthritis have negative RA factors.

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