Pap Smear Test

What is the Pap Smear test? Why is the test done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post, and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is a pap smear test?

A pap smear test is used to detect cervical cancer in its early stages and in this, cells from the cervix are taken and examined under a microscope to check for the signs of cancer.

Also Read: Ovarian cancer
What are the other names for the pap smear test?

Other names for pap smear tests are:

  • Cervical cytology
  • Papanicolaou test
  • Pap test
  • Vaginal smear technique
What is the use of this test?

This test is used:

  • To detect cervical cancer in its early stages
  • Check for HPV (a virus that might cause the cells to undergo cancerous changes)
What is the best time to get this test done?

Pap smear tests should never be done during periods. The best time to get yourself tested is 5 days after the last day of periods.

What are the preparations to be done before getting a pap smear done?

The following things should be kept in mind 2 – 3 days prior to the test:

  • Birth control foam or jelly should be avoided
  • Tampons are to be avoided
  • No creams or medicines are to be used on the vagina
  • The vagina is to be rinsed with water or other fluid
How is a pap smear test performed?

In this test, a vaginal speculum is inserted to hold the vagina and to see the cervix. Then cells are gently scraped off from the cervical region with a spatula to take a sample. There is only slight discomfort felt but the procedure is not painful.

How are the test results determined?

The test results for pap smear are interpreted in the following manner:

  • A positive result means abnormal pap or abnormal changes are present in the cells of the cervix, but these changes may not be definitive of cervical cancer.
  • A negative result means normal pap or no abnormal changes were present in the cells of the cervix.
  • Unsatisfactory results or unclear pap test means that the sample taken for the test was not enough or the cells taken might have been clumped together due to mucus.
How often can a pap smear be performed?

Regular pap smears should be done between the age of 21 and 65 years. Also, the gap to be kept between the checkups depends on the age group as follows:

  • If age is below 21 years: Screening for cervical cancer is not required. Even if slight changes come in the cells, they go on their own.
  • If the age is 22 years – 65 years: A pap smear comes out to be normal, so the next screening is to be done after 3 years gap.
  • If age is above 65 years: No more screening is required if normal test results were present for many years.
Can STIs be detected by doing a pap smear test?

No STIs can’t be detected with a pap smear.

What are the risks associated with the pap smear test?

There are no risks associated with it except for slight bleeding or mild discomfort after the test.

Also Read: Cervical Cancer

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