HIV Antibody Test

What is the HIV antibody test? Why is the test done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post, and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is an HIV antibody test?

This is a type of test used to detect antibodies against HIV virus in a sample of blood, saliva or urine. It may take 2 weeks to 6 months from the day of infection till the antibodies are found in the sample of a person.

What are the types of HIV tests done?

Following are the types of HIV tests done:

  • HIV blood test: standard test done in a lab by collecting a sample of blood from a vein and test results seen in 23-90 days
  • Antibody/antigen test: The sample is taken from the vein and tested for the presence of antigen and antibody so the result is seen after 18-45 days.
  • Rapid blood tests are done by taking small drops of blood by pricking them and sending them for lab investigation. Result seen within 18-90 days.
  • Rapid oral test: can be done at home by taking swabs rubbed on the inner area between gums and teeth and tested then from this sample of saliva taken. The result is seen between 23 -90 days after being infected.
  • Nucleic acid test done 10-33 days after infection. HIV-RNA is seen in samples of blood.
  • Urine test: HIV antibodies are checked in a sample of urine. But not as accurate as the standard blood test.
What are the two types of HIV antibodies detected in this test?

There are two types of HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies detected in blood tests. HIV-1 is more easily detected and transmitted than others.

What are the signs indicative of getting an HIV antibody test done?

HIV-1 and HIV-2 have the following flu-like symptoms:

  • Cough
  • Rashes
  • Fever
  • Joint aches
  • Diarrhea
  • Sore throat
  • Nasal discharge
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
Who should get this HIV antibody testing done?

The following people should get it done:

  • Pregnant women
  • Healthcare worker (pricked by infected needle)
  • Earlier diagnosis of STI (sexually transmitted infection)
  • Shared needles (drug abusers or hospital-acquired)
When to get yourself tested for HIV for an antibody test?

If recent exposure has been to HIV and so after 2 weeks of exposure only it should be done and repeated after 3 months of exposure as well.

What are the different ways in which HIV antibody tests can be done?
  • Home test kits: rapid test kits in which testing is done through spitting of saliva and then mail-in tests in which a sample of a drop of blood collected through pricking the finger is sent to a lab for getting it tested.
  • Lab test: Blood samples taken usually form veins.
  • Rapid test: Blood is taken from a finger saliva is taken or urine. results are seen within 30 minutes in this.
How many days after HIV exposure can it detect the infection?

Following is the time taken to detect antigen/ antibody where both the antigen and antibody are looked for:

  • The sample was taken from vein:18-45 days after being exposed to the virus
  • Finger pricked blood:18-90 days after exposure. Can be done by a physician or mail-in kit.
  • Newer combination (antigen-antibody test)/ fourth generation test:13-42 days after exposure. Can find the virus in 99 % of people.
What do the results mean?
  • Positive result:

It means traces of HIV are present in the body, but it is not definitive of AIDS. There are two cases of positive results:

  1. In rapid testing: confirmation is to be done by getting a lab test done again.
  2. Lab test positive: more detailed test like western blot and antibody differentiation test between HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody.
  • False positive result: It means tests show positive results, but HIV infection is not present.
  • Negative result: It might be possible that the antibodies are not shown in the result as it might have been less than 6 months from the day of infection. So, get yourself tested again after a few months.
  • False negative result: It is possible in people taking retro-viral therapy or if it has been less than 6 months from getting an infection. It might show this result.
Where can this test be done?

This test can be done in:

  • Country health departments
  • VA Medical centers
  • Health clinics
  • Community health centres
  • Family planning clinics
  • University health centers
  • STD and sexual health clinics
  • Private doctors
  • Pharmacies
  • LGBTQ+ Health centers
  • Home testing kits
Also Read: Pap Smear

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