HCG test

What is the HCG test? Why is the test done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post, and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is the HCG test?

It is used to measure the Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin hormone in the blood or urine.

What is HCG?

It stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin hormone, which is normally found in the body but at very low levels. The HCG test measures only the elevated levels in the body.

Why is it done?

It is used to:

  • Detect the pregnancy.
  • Check if the female is producing enough levels of certain pregnancy-related hormones and thus helps in monitoring pregnancy.
  • Detect certain conditions like ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, or any chromosomal anomalies e.g., Down Syndrome.
What is the accurate time to get it done?

The urine HCG test is the most accurate one and it should be done after a week or two you’ve missed your menstrual period. It could be a false negative if done too close.

HCG increases quickly during the first ten days of fertilization and remains high during the first trimester. Then it declines in the second and the third trimester.

Blood HCG test is done at the health care provider’s office only and it is accurately used to detect the pregnancy even before you’ve missed your menstrual period.

What is the difference between the urine HCG test and the Blood HCG test?

Urine HCG tests can be done at home with an at-home test kit and give you results in minutes.

Home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate when done following the instructions correctly.

Blood HCG test is done at the health care provider’s office only and can find very small amounts of HCG also. It takes hours to more than a day to show the results.

When should I get it done?

You should get it done when you’re in doubt about pregnancy. The most common sign of pregnancy is missed menstrual period. The other common signs are:

  • Swollen or tender breast
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Distension of the abdomen/bloating
  • Nausea or vomiting
What happens when the HCG urine test is negative?

It means HCG is not there in your urine and you may not be pregnant. But a negative result doesn’t always mean you’re not pregnant. It could be a false negative. If you still think that you’re pregnant, you can repeat the test after a week.

In the case of home tests when you did the test too early, your body may not have formed enough HCG to be detected and it can give false negative results.

What happens when the HCG urine test is positive?

It means HCG has been found in your urine and it simply means you’re pregnant.

If you’re trying to conceive and taking fertility drugs, your HCG urine test can be false positive too. If your HCG levels are rising too quickly, it may indicate a condition called molar pregnancy (a condition that causes uterine tumors to grow). You can confirm the pregnancy with your healthcare provider.

Also Read: AMH Test

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