G6PD Test

What is the G6PD  test? Why is the test done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post, and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is the G6PD test?

It is a test which is used to measure the level of G6PD in the blood which is glucose 6 -dehydrogenase. If enough of G6PD is not present it is called G6PD deficiency a genetic disorder that affects mainly males.

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What is G6PD?

G6PD is an enzyme which is required for the proper functioning of red blood cells. When enough G6PD is not present, red blood cells are destroyed faster than the amount they get replaced. As a result, all the tissues of the body don’t get enough oxygen.

What is the normal value?

The normal value of G6PD in blood is 8.6 units/gram of Hb – 18.6 units/gram of Hb.

What are the other names for the G6PD test?

Other names of the test include:

  • Glucose-6-dehydrogenase test
  • G6PD deficiency test
What is the use of this test?

This test is often done to diagnose G6PD deficiency.

What are the symptoms indicative of the test and the triggers?

Usually, people with G6PD deficiency don’t show any symptoms without some triggers which as a result cause red cell destruction. Triggers include:

  • Bacterial infections
  • Anit malaria medicines
  • Viral infections
  • NSAIDs
What do the results of this test mean?

If the amount of G6PD is less in the blood it means G6PD deficiency is present. Also, a risk of developing hemolytic anaemia is present in people with this disorder.
A slightly lower level of this might be indicative of a carrier stated for this condition. The carrier women usually have healthy red blood cells but have a risk of passing it to their children.

What are the preparations to be done before this test?

No special preparations are required before the test.

What are the other things to be known about this test?

Preparations done before the test are not to drink or eat anything 8 hours before the test.

What are the other things to be known about this test?

This health condition can be managed if the triggering factors for it are identified. Thus, certain things are to be avoided as per your physician.

Also Read: HbA1C

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