Estriol Test, Urine

What is an estriol test? Why is the test done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post, and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is an estriol test?

This test measures the level of estriol in the urine.

What is an estriol?

It is a type of estrogen hormone, also known as E3. Normally it is made by the ovaries in women. It is found in high amounts during pregnancy due to increased production by the placenta. It is almost undetectable in non-pregnant women and men.

What is the function of estriol?

It performs many functions as follows:

  • Helps the uterus and the fetus to stay healthy
  • Its levels are at their highest about three weeks before childbirth and thus help the body prepare for delivery and breastfeeding.
What is the role of an estriol test?

The estriol test:

  • Helps in monitoring high-risk pregnancies
  • Is used as a marker of fetal health
  • Helps in detecting some congenital anomalies in the fetus
What is the normal range of estriol in the urine?

It is measured in nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml).

Adult male: < 0.18ng/ml Female (non-pregnant): < 0.21ng/ml Female (pregnant)

1st trimester: < 2.50ng/ml 2nd trimester: < 9.60ng/ml 3rd trimester: < 14.60ng/ml

What do the changes in the estriol levels indicate?

During pregnancy-

The estriol is found in its highest levels three weeks before childbirth.

  • If it is low in this phase, it may indicate some issues with the placenta or the fetus, such as Down Syndrome or Edward’s Syndrome. In that case, there will be delayed labor.
  • If estriol levels are found high before the 37th week of pregnancy, it may indicate premature labor.

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