CA 19-9 Blood test

What is the CA 19-9 Blood test? Why is the test done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post, and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is CA 19-9 blood test?

It is a test that measures the amount of protein CA 19-9 (cancer antigen 19-9) in the blood.

Also Read: Pancreatitis
What is CA 19-9?

CA 19-9 is a type of tumour marker, which is made up of cancerous cells or normal cells in response to cancerous growth. Usually, it is already present in healthy people but in small amounts. A high amount of CA 19-9 can often indicate pancreatic cancer. Its high level in the blood can be a sign of cancer or any certain conditions that aren’t cancerous.

What is the normal range of CA 19-9?

The normal range of CA 19-9 is <37 U/ml.

What is this test used for?

CA 19-9 is done along with other investigations like imaging or scans to help in:

  • Monitoring the cancer in the body including pancreatic cancer
  • Diagnosing the cancer conditions when done with other tests
  • Scheduling a treatment plan for cancer
  • Detecting the recurrence of cancer after treatment
  • Estimating the prognosis of the cancer
  • Diagnosing other medical conditions that aren’t cancerous e.g., scarring of the liver

Also, some people with pancreatic cancer do not make CA 19-9.

Why do I need to get it done?

You may need a CA 19-9 test if you’ve been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer or other cancers like:

  • Bile duct cancer
  • Stomach cancer
  • Colon and rectum cancer
  • Ovaries cancer
  • Bladder cancer
Is CA 19-9 a reliable biomarker for pancreatic cancer?

CA 19-9 is the most valid and reliable tumour marker for pancreatic cancer now. It has a sensitivity of 70-80% to detect pancreatic cancer.

Is CA 19-9 test a diagnostic test for pancreatic cancer?

A high level of CA 19-9 in the blood may suggest the presence of cancer but it cannot be used as the only diagnostic test. It should always be done with other tests to confirm the cancer e.g., imaging and biopsy.

What are the expected results of the CA 19-9 test?

If you’re under treatment for pancreatic cancer, your results may show:

  • Increasing CA 19-9 in the blood – It indicates the tumour is growing and the treatment isn’t working.
  • Decreasing CA 19-9 in the blood – It indicates the tumour is shrinking and the treatment is working.
  • A stable amount of CA 19-9 in the blood – Indicates the stable state of your tumour.
  • Decreased CA 19-9 post-treatment but again increasing – It means the old cancerous growth has been treated well but now the tumour is again appearing.
Can you have a high amount of CA 19-9 in the blood without cancer?

Following are the conditions that aren’t cancerous but may cause high levels of CA 19-9 in the blood:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Gall stones
  • Bile duct obstruction
  • Liver disease – scarring
  • Cystic fibrosis
Also Read: Ovarian Cancer

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