AST Relation With COVID

What is AST? What is the AST relation with COVID? Why is the test done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is Aspartate Transaminase(AST) test?

Aspartate Transaminase is also known as Serum Glutamic-Oxaloacetic Transaminase or SGOT. This test measures the amount of AST in your blood.
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is an enzyme present in cells of the body but mostly present in the heart and liver and less in the kidneys and muscles.
In the case of healthy human beings, the levels of AST in the blood are low but when liver or muscle cells are injured, they release AST into the blood.

What is the normal level of AST?

The normal level of AST is 8 to 48 U/L.

What is it used for?

The AST blood test is often included in a routine blood screening.
The AST test is useful for detecting diagnosis, or monitoring liver damage or related infections and some side effects of medications.

Why do I need an AST blood test?

The AST blood test as part of your routine checkup or if you have symptoms of liver damage. These may include:
• Nausea and vomiting
• Tiredness
• Weakness
• Jaundice
• Swelling and/or pain in your abdomen
• Swelling in your ankles and legs
• Dark-colored urine and/or light-colored stool
• Weight loss
• A family history of liver disease
• Heavy drinking
• Obesity
• Diabetes
• Medicinal damage of the liver

How this test is done?

The test is done with a blood sample. Blood is drawn from a vein in your arm or hand using a needle.

How AST is related to covid-19?

More than half of the patients have admitted to the hospital with COVID infection have abnormal liver function. Patients with abnormal liver tests were at higher risk of severe disease progression.

Also Read: Cirrhosis of Liver

For more information, you can visit labtestsonline and MedlinePlus.

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