Alphafetoprotein Test

What is the Alpha-fetoprotein test? Why is the test done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post, and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is an alpha-fetoprotein?

It is a protein that is produced by a fetus. Normally, it passes from the baby into a pregnant women’s blood. Alpha-fetoprotein levels are usually undetectable in healthy adult men or women. The increased level of an alpha-fetoprotein indicates the presence of either a germ cell tumour or primary liver cancer.

What is an alpha-fetoprotein test?

This test is usually used to check the level of alpha-fetoprotein in the blood of pregnant women. This test is done to know about the baby’s risk for certain genetic problems and birth defects.

What is the normal level of alpha-fetoprotein?

Healthy adults: 0-8ng/mL

The average range will vary with pregnant women.

When is the AFP test done during pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, this alpha-fetoprotein test is done between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy. This test is usually recommended if you have:

  • A family history of birth defects
  • Above 35 years or older
  • Diabetes
  • Used any medications or drugs during pregnancy.
What is it used for?

This test is used to check several conditions:

  • Genetic disorders such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome
  • Twin or triplet pregnancy
  • Neural tube defects, such as Anencephaly or spina bifida
What does the low alpha-fetoprotein mean?

Low alpha-fetoprotein levels may also mean that the baby has a genetic disorder such as Down syndrome, a genetic problem that causes intellectual disabilities and health problems.

What does the high alpha-fetoprotein mean?

High alpha-fetoprotein levels may indicate the baby has an increased risk of neural defect tube such as:

  • Spina bifida: In which the bones of the spine do not close around the spinal cord.
  • Anencephaly: In which the brain does not develop properly.
  • If a woman has a twin pregnancy then the level of alpha-fetoprotein is high.

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