Health screening test for women above 65 years


Regular screening for women above 65 years is required as per the diseases that might occur in that age group. The screening test to monitor the health of women above 65 years are as follows:

Find out which screenings women should have and when to have them
  • BMI and physical examination:

BMI and physical examination are not recommended annually after 60 years of age. It is only done if advised by the physician.

  • Bone density testing

It is mandatory for women above the age of 65 years.

  • Cervical cancer screening

After the age of 65 years, women can stop getting their pap smear test done if they have had up to 10 negative tests in the last 10 years.

  • Blood pressure

Blood pressure testing is to be done annually if it is more than normal values of 120/80 mm of Hg which means that there might be a possibility of underlying diabetes, kidney problems, or hypertension which then should be monitored.

  •  Colon cancer screening

Women in this age group are recommended to have a regular screening for this which is:

Every 10 years:

  • Colonoscopy (in case of IBD, adenomatous polyps, or family history of colorectal disease)

Every 5 years:

  • Virtual colonoscopy
  • Double-contrast barium enema
  • Sigmoidoscopy

Every 1 year:

  • Fecal immunochemical test
  • Fecal occult test

  •  Lung cancer screening

Women who are chronic smokers who are above 50 years and are still smoking or have a history of smoking should be tested annually.

  •  Breast self-examination

Screening for breast cancer after the age of 50 -75 years depends on whether the female is at risk of developing breast cancer or not.

  •  Diabetes

After 65 years of age diabetes screening is to be done every 3 years and it can be done more frequently if the woman is at risk of diabetes or is hypertensive or overweight.

  • Cholesterol testing

Cholesterol testing is recommended once every 5 years and if she is having chronic heart disease, diabetes, or kidney disease, this testing is recommended more often.

  • Eye testing

Eye examination is to be done every 1- 2 years and if at a risk of diabetes, it should be done once a year.

  • Hearing test

Usually, women who are getting symptoms of hearing loss are tested for it.

  •  STIs

Women in the age group from 18 -79 years should be tested for STIs once in their lifetime for HIV, Syphilis, and hepatitis C depending on their lifestyle as well.

  • Dental test

A dental checkup is recommended every 2 years after this age.

For more information, you can visit WebMD and Healthline.

Health screening tests for women above 65 years

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