Green tea acts as a booster for brain

After black tea, green tea is the most consumed beverage. But as compared to black tea green tea is far more beneficial. Black tea’s processing needs fermentation process and green tea’s processing avoids fermentation process. As a result green tea contains loads of antioxidants and polyphenols that are very useful for the body. Green tea is known to have medicinal properties. Let’s discuss the health benefits of green tea.


• Brain:

Green tea contains amino acid L-theanine and less caffeine which works together in improving function of brain. Green tea protects brain in old age; it lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

• Cardiovascular health:

Studies show that in green tea drinker risk of cardiovascular disease is low as green tea lowers the total and LDL cholesterol.

• Blood pressure:

Green tea reduces high blood pressure. Kidney secretes an enzyme called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) that is responsible for high blood pressure. Medicine used for high blood pressure blocks the effect of ACE and act as ACE inhibitors. Green tea has natural ACE inhibitor properties.

• Body fat:

Green tea boosts the metabolic rate and helps in burning fat.

• Infection:

Catechins in green tea kill bacteria and inhibit influenza virus and lowers the risk of infection. Studies show that catechins inhibits bacteria streptococcus from growing in the mouth which is responsible for formation of plaque, cavities and tooth decay. Green tea also helps in reducing bad breath.

• Type 2 diabetes:

Studies show that green tea causes mild reduction in blood sugar level. The risk of development of type 2 diabetes is also reduced with green tea.

• Skin:

Green tea has anti-ageing properties because of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Topical application of green tea reduces sun damage.

• Joints:

Green tea reduces the severity of symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Green tea contains anti-oxidant that inhibits the gene that triggers the inflammation and pain.


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