Hair loss or falling of hair from scalp is a very common occurrence these days. Hair is replaced at the same rate as it is lost in order to maintain a normal volume. But in excessive falling of hair due to any underlying cause hair lost is not replaced.
There are various culprits in market containing chemicals used on hair as in bleaching, coloring, shampoo, conditioners, etc. Continuous falling of hair causes thinning of hair and is a sensitive issue.
Thinning of hair is very distressing for persons. We consider healthy hair as a part of our attractive personality, but the person whose hair are getting thin or who are getting bald due to hair fall feels psychological stress and find their personality less attractive to others.
Homeopathy is proving itself as a safest cure for falling of hair. We call it safest cure because being a natural type of treatment homeopathy does not have any side effects. People are getting attracted to the advertisements of oils or shampoos available in the market for stopping hair fall. But the question is “do these oils or shampoo really helps you? The answer definitely is no because they are not treating your underlying cause of hair fall instead they are damaging further your hair. Firstly we all have to understand what hair fall is and how it occurs.
Hair loss can occur at any age and both males and females can be affected. Different individual lose hair in different patterns. Let us first discuss the various patterns of hair loss.
Various patterns of hair loss are:
1. Male pattern of baldness: Genetic and hormonal factors are responsible for hair loss in men. In males hair line recedes back. Loss of hair occurs on top and side of scalp.
2. Female pattern of baldness: Hair loss in females is less severe as compared to males. Thinning of hair occurs on top of scalp.
3. Alopecia aerate: Hair loss occurs in patches or spots. Youth below 20 years of age are commonly affected.
4. Alopecia totalis: Hair loss occurs in entire scalp. This type is also known as baldness.
5. Telogen effluvium: In this type of hair loss hair goes on thinning.
Falling of hair from scalp simply occurs due to genetic causes or as an ageing process. Hair fall is not a disease itself but indicates other underlying diseases. Various causes that lead to hair fall are:
1. Genetic causes.
2. Lack of iron and protein intake in diet.
3. Hormonal changes that occurs after childbirth or during menopause.
4. Constant stress.
5. Skin diseases that affect skin of scalp e.g. Dandruff, fungal infection, eczema, etc.
6. Frequent use of hair colors and hair strengtheners, tightly tied hair.
7. Hyper or hypothyroidism, tuberculosis, diabetes, PCOD.
8. Side effect of treatment for cancer.
9. Certain medicines that causes suppression of immune system.
10. Trichotillomania, in this psychic disease patient pulls out hair voluntarily.
Besides taking medicines for hair fall person must take extra care also:
• For a healthy hair a well balanced nutritious diet is necessary, this will help your hair to get strong and shiny.
• Take extra care while combing, comb hair gently and never comb wet hair as hair become very delicate when they are wet.
• Do not tie your hair tightly as it pulls your hair and add further breakage.
• Maintain hygiene of scalp. Pollution and dust affects hair and skin of scalp. So regular washing is necessary.
• A healthy mind is very essential for healthy body. Try to stay calm and away from stress.
Homeopathic medicines are helping people in acquiring a health from diseased state. The number of patient taking homeopathic treatment for hair fall is increasing.
Let’s check out some effective measures that we can try at home:
• Hot oil massage: massage your scalp with any natural oil like olive, almond, coconut, etc. Heat the oil and massage it gently. Wash the hair after an hour. Regular head massage helps in maintaining good circulation in scalp and in turn keeps the hair follicle healthy.
• Onion juice: rubbing onion juice on your scalp gives you relief from falling hair and also enhances hair growth.
• Green tea: Brew two bags of green tea in one cup of water. Apply this mixture on scalp and rinse after an hour. Anti-oxidants contained in green tea helps in reducing hair fall and growth of hair.
• Healthy diet: a diet containing vitamin, calcium and iron is a must in routine.
• Hygiene of scalp: as we are surrounded by pollution and dust in our environment. We should wash hair properly to be away from dust.
• Meditation: in case of stress you should try meditation. It will help you in staying calm and stopping hair fall if the underlying cause is stress.
One Response
Great post! I found the information really helpful and easy to understand. Thanks for sharing!