Foods to prevent from Kidney disease

Eating a balanced diet is important for good health. There are some super foods which contain antioxidant and other health supporting properties. People with kidney disease having more inflammation and have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease than those without kidney problems.

1) Cabbage 


• It is rich in Vitamin K, C and B6, high in fiber and a good source of folic acid yet its low in potassium so it is a kidney friendly.

2) Cauliflower 

• It is one of the super food for kidney. It contains Vitamin C, folate and fiber.

3) Garlic

• It is good for reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol .It also has antioxidant and anti-clotting properties.

4) Onion

• It is full of flavonoids particularly quercetin. Flavonoids are natural chemicals that prevent the deposit of fatty material in blood vessels .Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant which help to reduce heart disease and protect against many form of cancer . It has anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains chromium, a mineral that assist the body with the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

5) Apple 

• It is high in fiber and anti –inflammatory properties which help to reduce cholesterol, prevent constipation, protect against heart disease and decrease the risk of cancer. Apples are good for kidney. It can be eaten raw or cooked.

6) Red bell peppers

• It is a good choice for maintaining kidney healthy because they contain potassium low. It contains Vitamin A, C, B6, folic acid and fiber. They also contain anti oxidant lycopene which protect against certain types of cancer. It’s easy to add red bell peppers to your food plan.

7) Cranberries

• It is great for preventing urinary tract infections because they make urine more acidic and keep the bacteria away.

8) Blueberries

• It contains high marks for nutrition and having lots of vitamin C and fiber. They also contain manganese which contributes to healthy bones.

9) Raspberries

• They have plenty of folate, vitamin B, fiber, vitamin C, manganese. It helps to stop cancer cell growth and the formation of tumors.

10) Strawberries

• It contains lots of Vitamin C, manganese and fibre.They are rich in antioxidants. They have anti –inflammatory and anticancer properties and keep heart healthy.

11) Eat an egg

• It has highest quality of protein along with all essential amino acids. Eggs have less phosphorus than other protein sources such as egg yolk or meat and it is good for kidney.

12) Intake of fish

Three Mackerel Fish

• Fish contain high quality source of protein. It contains anti –inflammatory fats called omega -3s.These healthy fats help to prevent disease such as cancer and heart disease. They also help in lower LDL and raise HDL.

13) Kidney beans

• It actually heal and maintain kidney function .It provide a variety of minerals and vitamins which are beneficial for health.

Foods which damaging the Kidneys

Keeping your kidneys healthy and functioning , it is essential to detoxifying and removing waste from your body. Unfortunately, many foods can harm your kidneys and keep them from functioning at optimal levels.

1. Meat –


Diet which is high in animal protein cause kidney damage .A high protein diet may cause or exacerbate existing kidney problems because protein metabolism places a heavy load on the kidneys making it difficult to eliminate its waste products. Uric acid is one of the common causes of kidney stone and is a byproduct of eating foods that are high in purine such as meat, seafood and fish.

2. Salt –

Your body needs a little bit of sodium in order to maintain proper fluid balance .When you eat too much salt, your kidney responds by retaining water in order to dilute the electrolyte in bloodstream to maintain proper heart function. This places a load on the kidneys.

3. Artificial sweeteners –

By taking artificial sweeteners there was a decline in kidney function. So skip the artificial sweeteners.

4. Carbonated beverages –


Carbonated beverages such as soda, energy drinks are associated with the formation of kidney stones. Drinking two or more colas per day was associated with an increased risk of chronic kidney disease.

6. Dairy products –

Consuming dairy products increased the excretion of calcium in the urine which has been associated with a higher risk of developing kidney stones. Reducing dairy products can help people with kidney failure and kidney disease because it can make the filtering work of the kidney easier.

7. Caffeine –


Caffeine in coffee, tea, soda and foods can strain on kidneys because caffeine is a stimulant, it can stimulate blood flow, increasing blood pressure and stress on the kidneys .Caffeine consumption linked to kidney stone formation by increasing calcium excretion in urine.

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