Foods That Control High Uric Acid Levels

foods that control high uric acid levels

Good nutrition is as important as cultivating healthy habits to reduce the risk of developing chronic lifestyle diseases that are becoming increasingly common. With our hectic schedules and convenient choices, having high uric acid levels is one such problem that many of us are facing these days. Uric acid is a chemical found in the blood which is created when a substance called purine is broken down in the body.

High levels of uric acid in the body can cause many problems as it leads to the formation of solid crystals within the joints that causes a painful condition called gout. It may also cause kidney stones and can lead to kidney failure in severe cases. Below are some of the foods that one must add to one diet to keep uric acid at normal levels:

• Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix one teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink this every day. Apple cider vinegar acts as a detoxifier and a natural cleanser. It contains malic acid that helps in breaking down and removing uric acid from the body. Apples are also enriched with malic acid so one should add apples to the diet.

• Vitamin C: Eat and drink foods that are rich in Vitamin C like amla, guava, oranges, and lime water. Lime water contains citric acid that helps in dissolving the uric acid.

• Eat antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables: Add more antioxidant-rich like berries such as cherries, blueberries, and strawberries. This is because the dark-colored berries contain flavonoids called anthocyanins that help in reducing inflammation and stiffness. Alkaline foods like tomatoes and bell peppers also help in balancing the acid levels in the body.

• High fiber-foods: Add more high fiber foods to the diet in order to control the level of uric acid in the blood. A high-fiber diet absorbs the excess uric acid in the blood and helps it to get eliminated from the body. Oats, bananas, and grains like sorghum(jowar) and pearl millet(bajra) are good sources of soluble fiber.

• Celery Seeds: Celery seeds has Omega-6 fatty acids and other diuretic oils. As a powerful diuretic, it helps in cleaning the system of excess liquids by stimulating the kidneys to flush out the excess uric acid. It alkalizes the blood and also lowers down the inflammation in the body. So, try to take half a teaspoon of dried celery seeds once a day but remember to have plenty of water with it.

• Low-fat dairy products: Another way to treat high uric acid is by adding low-fat dairy products to the diet. Choose low-fat milk and curd to prevent high uric acid in the blood.

• Olive oil: Use cold-pressed olive oil for cooking. This can be a healthy start as it contains anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

• Green tea: Drink green tea every day as it helps in controlling hyperuricemia or high uric acid levels and also lowers the risk of developing gout.

• Add ginger and garlic: Add Garlic and ginger to the diet as they help in treating gout. They help in removing the excess uric acid from the body. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties, which relieve pain and swelling.

• Fresh vegetable juices: Add carrot juice, beetroot juice, and cucumber juice to the diet. These are very effective in treating high uric acid levels.

Also Read: Calcaneal Spur with High Uric Acid Treated

For more information, you can visit Healthline and WebMD.

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