Q. What is Eczema?
A. Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, causes the skin to become dry, itchy and bumpy.
This condition weakens the skin’s barrier function; hence making it more prone to increased sensitivity.
It is a common condition that usually begins in childhood, although people may develop it in later ages as well.
Q. Will eczema cause permanent damage to my skin barrier?
A. NO, it doesn’t cause any permanent damage and is easily treatable by homoeopathy; however the time taken for the treatment depends on the condition, severity, duration of the disease and the sensitivity of the patient.
Q. Is this condition contagious?
A. No, this condition is not contagious. It cannot be spread through casual touch. Therefore, people with this condition can live their lives normally.
Q. Do genetics or environment play any role in causing eczema?
A. Yes, according to previous researches made in medicine, it has been found that both genetics and environment play a role in causing eczema. Although they aren’t the only factors that determines who develops this condition.
Q. How does it develop?
A. The sub acute and chronic eczematous reaction caused by Type 1 (IgE-mediated) hypersensitivity reaction (release of histamine) produces prolonged severe pruritis. Our immune system triggers an inflammatory response that affects the skin. These causes develop many eczema symptoms.
Is it possible to develop eczema as an adult?
A. Eczema has been found to start in childhood although people who never had any symptoms of this condition may develop the condition when exposed to certain environmental triggers such as certain irritating soaps, fragrances, hot baths etc.
Q. What are the common triggers for eczema?
A. Some of the triggers of eczema are:-
- Dry skin
- Irritants such as metals, soaps, cleaners, perfumes,
- Physical triggers such as stress, skin germs, long/hot baths, sweat , dry weather etc.
- Animal dander, saliva and fur
- Fabrics like wool and synthetic
- Food allergens like eggs ,peanuts, soya.
- Shellfish, wheat and sea food.
Q. What are the types of eczema?
A. All types of eczema cause itchiness and redness. But atopic contact eczema is the most common and severe type. The other types of atopic eczema may include:
- Hand eczema –It affects the hand and is caused by frequent contact with irritating chemicals.
- Dyshidrotic eczema –It is a type of eczema that develops on fingers, palms and the soles of the feet.
- Neurodermatitis (lichenification) –The skin is thickened in patches due to repeated rubbing or scratching.
- Nummular eczema –It is a chronic condition that causes coins-like spots that are often itchy.
- Stasis eczema –It is a type of dermatitis that develops in people with poor circulation, basically in the lower legs.
- Seborrheic eczema –This is an erythematous scaly rash affecting the scalp (dandruff), central face, eyebrows, central chest and upper back. It is associated with the overgrowth of pityrosporum yeasts.