Effective Ways to Tackle Grief in 5 Stages

Learn how to cope with grief and how homeopathy works wonders in this condition. Read this article to find out how to tackle grief in 4 stages.

Grief can affect body and reduce immunity. It is a proven science that bereavement causes symptoms like fatigue, weak memory, lack of sleep or excessive sleep, body aches, graying of hair and many other major health ailments.

Grief can be tackled with the following 5 stages:

When the grief strikes like loss of loved one, end of a relationship, financial loss. Initial reaction is denial of event. The person feels that it Just can’t be true. The person is not ready to accept the facts.

This is the second stage of grief. The person is so angry on his life, on someone. They just want to have a reason to blame anyone for the cause of their pain. It is very important to have family and friend’s support for overcoming this stage of grief along with medication.

This is a crucial stage of bargaining where in person may develop bad habits like smoking or alcohol consumption. The person becomes desperate to do anything to get rid of his pain. Family and friend’s support help in such stage so that the person will not succumb to the bad habits.

When the person reaches this stage, he is very close to overcome his grief. Each stage is important one cannot skip any stage. Physiological depression happens with person feeling sad, gloomy or/and feeling lonely and no sense of purpose left in his life may be felt, these feelings are anticipated in this stage. If the depression lasts more than 6 months then it is termed as clinical depression, then it is not just a stage of overcoming grief. If a person slips into clinical depression medication is very important.

This is the final stage of grief when one accepts the tragic incident and can move on in life.
Homeopathy works like a miracle in overcoming grief and the best part is Homeopathy is that it does not have any side effects unlike conventional medication which does help in grief but it has lots of side effects on vital organs. So opt for homeopathy to cope with grief.

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