Don’t let the weather change be a hindrance to your HEALTH!

Falling Leaves are summer’s way of waving farewell! Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. This is the season of the soul than of nature. With this beautiful season, there is a change in weather which affects health.

Every season brings its own set of diseases and health issues, and autumn is no exception to this. Drastic weather changes give the human body a difficult time to adjust to the changes and hence, most of us fall sick during the weather transition.

From hot summer days to shift in the weather to cold nights, we are exposed to the risk of acquiring diseases like a cough, cold, flu, and more. A strong immune system can help you get away from these seasonal complaints and keeps you healthy.

weather change and diseases

Here are four health conditions that can be triggered by a sudden change in the weather:

1) Infections and illnesses of the upper respiratory tract also known as the common cold:-

The common cold is known to affect anyone at any time of the year. However, it is more persistent or at its peak during these months. A self-limited contagious disease, it can be caused by many different types of viruses. Cold gives you a runny or stuffed nose, general fatigue, body ache, and constant sneezing sessions.

The below-mentioned are the home remedies:-

i. Stay hydrated
ii. Gargle with lukewarm water or salt water
iii. Have some honey and ginger for instant relief
iv. Use steam inhalation to soothe your cough and loosen up secretions in the nasal passages
v. Avoid drinking cold water and cold aerated drinks

2) Chronic sinusitis and Throat infections

Chronic sinusitis and throat infection are some of the most common difficulties which people face in this season. It is painful, itchy and with the sensation of scratching that makes an individual uncomfortable. Most throat infections are due to environmental factors such as dry air.

Some home remedies to treat a throat infection are as follows:-

i. Talk less
ii. Take honey mixed with tea
iii. Chamomile tea is known to be effective in soothing a sore throat
iv. Licorice root is good
v. Gargle twice a day with hot water

3) Seasonal Asthma and Bronchitis

Seasonal or Allergic asthma and bronchitis, as the name suggests, is a condition wherein an individual suffers from an asthmatic condition as a result of an allergic reaction or bronchioles are irritated due to allergens. Individuals with allergic asthma usually experience symptoms as soon as they inhale an allergen.

Common means to avoid allergic asthma or bronchitis are as below:-

i. Maintain a clean and tidy place
ii. Have a smoke-free home
iii. Have an effective treatment plan
iv. Wash your hands regularly
v. Don’t sit around the fireplace for too long
vi. Avoid eating foods that you’re allergic

4) Cold and flu Outbreaks

In the time of festivals like Diwali in India and Halloween and Christmas all over the world, it is common for families, co-workers, and school children to gather for group activities. If one person is sick with the common cold or the flu, you may see a minor “outbreak” of illness following those in the gatherings.

When large groups get together, we all need to be more careful about hand hygiene and covering our mouths and noses while coughing or sneezing.

5) Homeoprophylaxis also can help to make sure the immune system is not susceptible or an individual is not prone to infections.

For more information, you can visit MayoClinic and euromd.

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