Don’t Let Asthma Spoil Your Festival

let asthma

The festival brings more trouble to those who are suffering from asthma. Those between 6-12 years of age are more prone to an asthma attack during Diwali. Read this article till the end and don’t let asthma spoil your festival.

Asthma is a condition in which inflammation of the bronchial tubes occurs with increased production of sticky secretions inside the tubes.

Asthma symptoms during Diwali


-Difficult breathing

-A cough

-Shortness of breath

-Chest tightness

Some self-healing tips to stay away from Asthma: –

1) Keep away from highly polluted areas.

2) Avoid sudden exposure to change of temperature, weather change, any source of allergen.

3) Try and have a sip of turmeric milk anytime in a day.

4) Avoid alcohol and smoking as these are bad for asthmatic patients especially during Diwali.

5) Keep away your child from the smoke. As it aggravates or triggers asthmatic condition.

6) Take your asthma medication as prescribed by your doctor

7) Keep your indoor environment clean.

8) Make some areas of the home pet-free zones.

9) Know your triggers and avoid them

10)Triggers like allergens and irritants can make your asthma symptoms worse by irritating your airways.

How Homeopathy helps


• Indicated for chronic asthma especially in elderly patients

• Attacks occur during midnight or during sleep at night.

• Soreness and pain in the chest with heat sensation in the head.

Arsenic album

• The patient is unable to lie down on bed and fear of suffocation.

• Air passages of the patient are constricted.

• Complaints of asthma aggravate at night.

• There is excessive catarrh and the patient feels suffocative.

• A cough is increased after midnight and worse when lying on back.

• Respiration in chest produces wheezing sound.

• Expectoration is frothy and very scanty.

Ant tart:

-Rattling and cracking sound in the chest.

-Difficult breathing and congestion.

-Indicated for young children.

-Suffocative feeling.

Spongia Tosta:

-Barking cough with little mucus during an asthma attack.

-A dry cough

-Difficult to expectorate


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