Does acne Bother you a lot? Here are some tips to get acne free skin

You can use makeup to cover up some facial flaws, but if you have serious acne on your face, you can’t completely hide it. You have no way to conceal your imperfections from people that judge you based on your appearance. Severe acne can affect a person’s confidence and self-esteem.

Bad Habits that causes acne:


1. Picking at your skin and popping your pimples

2. Vigorously scrubbing your skin

3. Not cleaning sweaty skin

4. Washing your skin too often

5. Using cosmetics that contain oil

6. Eating greasy foods

7. Getting hair products on your face

8. Skipping the shampoo

9. Touching your face often

10. Eating too much sweets and sugar

Measures to get acne free flawless skin:

1. Drink enough water

2. Drink less milk

3. Drink green tea

4. Eat omega-3 fatty acids

5. Eat the right vitamins, in moderation

6. Try evening primrose oil

7. Try vitamin-E

8. Don’t try to wash your face more than twice a day

9. Moisturize after each time you wash your face

10. Try looking for a gel-based moisturizer

11. Use a toner for oily skin

12. Try meditation techniques

13. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep

Some homeopathic remedies which help to treat acne are as follows :

Kali bromatum, Antimonium crudum, Sulphur, Asteria rubens, Psorinum and many more.

One hand homeopathic medicines give the excellent results if taken under the guidance and consultation of doctor. But if self medication is done it can worsen the case also.


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