Zika Virus

Does Zika virus go away? Is Zika still a threat? Is Zika curable?? Zika Virus? What is it? How does it spread? Is there a cure? The Signs and Symptoms! How is it different from typhoid or dengue or malaria? How can homeopathy help? All of this answered in this post. But, if you are suffering from it, or seeing some signs and symptoms, just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

zika virus

Zika virus is a mosquito-borne viral disease which causes a condition associated with fever. It is very similar to dengue fever.

It is caused by an arbovirus of the flavivirus family, which causes disease like dengue, West Nile, fever, and Japanese encephalitis.

This virus was first isolated from a rhesus monkey in Uganda in 1947.

The virus is common in the west and central Africa but also occurs in Pakistan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

There have also been reports that the virus has spread through blood transfusions or A pregnant mother can pass it to her baby during pregnancy or around the time of birth. It can spread through sexual contact.

It causes illness in about one in five people, but particularly dangerous for pregnant women, it can cause a condition called microcephaly, which means that children are born with an abnormally small head.

Age and Incidence of Zika Virus

Zika virus mainly affects the 20-29 years age group and females are more affected than males.

Transmission of Zika Virus

• It is transmitted through mosquito bites (Aedes mosquito). It usually bites during the day, peaking during early morning and late afternoon and evening. This is the same mosquitoes that transmit dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever.

• Sexual transmission

• From a pregnant woman to her fetus.

• From blood transfusion.

Incubation Period of Zika Virus

The incubation period of Zika Virus is 3 to 12 days.

Causes of Zika Virus

• Zika virus is caused by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquito bite.

• Poor unhygienic condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Zika Virus

The symptoms of the disease occur after 4-7 days of a mosquito bite.

This may cause:

• Headache

• Muscular pains

• Rash (specifically maculopapular in variety)

• Fever(low grade, generally up to 100° F)

• Joints Pain (Mainly joints of the hands and feet.)

• Difficulty in standing and sitting

• Conjunctivitis(pinkeye)

• Watering of eyes.

• Difficulty vision.

• Diarrhea

• Have an adverse effect on a pregnant woman or their babies that is microcephaly.

Microcephaly is characterized by infants who have a smaller head. They have the low intellectual ability. These children don’t have well-developed brains. Due to these children suffering from difficulty in hearing and vision.

How you get to know about Zika Virus?

The diagnosis of Zika virus is based on a person’s recent travel history, symptoms, and test results.

• Blood or Urine test to confirm Zika virus infection.

• Serological examination.

• Symptoms of Zika virus are similar to other illnesses that spread through mosquito bites which are malaria, dengue and chikungunya.

Zika Virus can be compared with?


• Abrupt onset of high-grade fever (102° F).

• Fever, joint pain, muscle pain, eye infection and skin rashes.

• Pain in joints of hands and feet with swelling and morning stiffness.

• Rashes on the skin, mainly on the trunk, limbs, and face.

• Chikungunya may remain for a long time and convert to chronic (condition joint pain).

Malarial Fever

• Low-grade fever (less than 100° F).

• Skin maculopapular rash firstly seen on the face.

In severe cases these symptoms may occur:

• Bleeding (nose and gum, easy bruises).

• Abdominal pain.

• Hypertension.

• Vomiting blood.

• Dizziness.

• Breathing difficulty.

Dengue Fever

• Sudden onset of high fever (more than 102° F).

• Muscle pain on the back, arms, and legs.

• Sometimes joint pain on knees and shoulders.

• Rashes usually limited to face and limbs.

• It is life-threatening condition due to low platelet count due to petechial hemorrhage.

Can Zika virus be cured?

There is no medicine or vaccine for Zika virus. Only symptomatic treatment is there. Patient can take medicine such as acetaminophen to reduce fever and pain. Medicine like aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are not advisable until dengue can be ruled out.

Complications of Zika Virus

• Congenital Brain Abnormalities

• Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Management of Zika Virus

• Rest is must

• Have plenty of water and fluids to avoid dehydration.

• Do not spray insect repellent on your skin under clothing.

• Use a mosquito bed net.

• Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.

What are the Homeopathic medicines that help in virus infection?

• Ledum pal

• Rhus tox

• Eupatorium perfoliatum

• Bryonia

• Polyporus Pinicola

If you want more information about the deadly virus, read more at CDC and WHO.

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