Von Willebrand Disease

Is von Willebrand disease life threatening? How do you get von Willebrand disease? Is von Willebrand disease considered a disability? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

von willebrand disease

What is Von Willebrand disease?

Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a genetically developed bleeding disorder caused by abnormality of von Willebrand factor .Von willebrand disease is a common hereditary bleeding disorder.

Von Willebrand disease, first described by Erik Adolf Von Willebrand in 1926, being a congenital bleeding disorder it is characterized by frequent bleeding (epistaxis) and menorrhagia

The main function of VWF is to bind platelets (small cell fragments) in blood .This abnormal gene is not on X-chromosome (X-chromosome is sex related chromosome) but is present on autosome (it is a regular chromosome).

In some families VWD appears as dominant condition due to abnormal gene from one parent, but in other case VWD may be inherited as a recessive with abnormal gene from both parents.

What is the cause of van Willebrand disease?

Von Willebrand disease is mainly caused by a hereditary defect in the gene controlling Von Willebrand factor. In this people have low levels of factor VIII, as Von Willebrand also carries an additional substance called factor VIII which stimulates clotting.

Classification of Von Willebrand disease:

• Type Ι:

This is the most common and mildest form of Von willebrand disease. Level of Von willebrand factor is lower than the normal.

• Type ΙΙ:

This type is due to abnormal Von willebrand factor. It is further classified into two types:

• Type ΙΙa:

In this type the level of Von willebrand factor is reduced, as is the ability of platelets to clump together.

• Type ΙΙb:

In this type Von willebrand factor itself id defective, the ability of platelets to clump together is actually increases.

• Type ΙΙΙ:

This is severe type in which a total absence of Von willebrand factor may be countered.

What are the signs and symptoms?

Abnormal bleeding in form of:

• Recurring and spontaneous nosebleed

• Gums bleeding

• Increased menstrual flow

• Blood in stool/urine

• Women –having heavy menstrual flow lasting for more than one week.

• Anemia, fatigue, tiredness, shortness of breath

• Prolonged bleeding from small injuries

• Heavy prolonged bleeding following surgery

• Prolonged bleeding during dental procedure

• Blood in stool, bleeding ulcer

• Heavy bleeding during childbirth

Is von Willebrand disease a cancer?

No, it is not a cancer, it is an inherited blood disorder which slows or prevents the clotting of blood. But it is also not a common blood disorder. Every individual disease is different, with different genes.

Is von Willebrand disease life threatening?

A person who is suffering from severe form of von Willebrand disease may need treatment to prevent or stop life-threatening bleeding.

What occurs in von Willebrand disease?

Person with VWD have a problem with a protein in their blood called von Willebrand factor (VWF) that helps control bleeding. When a blood vessel is rupture due to injury and bleeding occurs, VWF helps cells in the blood, called platelet form a clot to stop the bleeding.

Can you get pregnant if you have von Willebrand disease?

Pregnancy can be a challenge for women who have von Willebrand disease; because this condition increases the risk of life-threatening bleeding after childbirth. But, after few precautions, most women who have VWD can have successful pregnancies.

Is von Willebrand disease deadly?

Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a bleeding disorder. It affects your blood’s ability to clot. If your blood doesn’t clot, you can have heavy, bleeding after an injury. Continuous bleeding can damage your internal organs.

Is von Willebrand an autoimmune disease?

It is the most common inherited bleeding condition, but it can also be acquired from other medical conditions, such as lymphomas and leukemias, autoimmune disorders, such as lupus, and after certain medications.

How is von Willebrand disease diagnosed?

• Complete medical history

• Complete genetic history, physical examination

• Bleeding time

• Factor VΙΙΙ level

• Platelet count

• Von Willebrand Factor antigen tests

• Complete blood count

• Prothrombin time

• Partial Thromboplastin time

• Thrombin time

How homeopathy help:

Homeopathic medicines can control excessive bleeding such as mention below:

• Crotalus horridus

• Hamamelis

• Lachesis

• Phosphorus

• Thlaspi bursa pastoris

For more information, you can visit WebMD and MayoClinic.

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