Vaginal Discharge

What is vaginal discharge? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

vaginal discharge

What is Vaginal discharge?

Vaginal discharge can happen in normal females. How to distinguish between normal and abnormal discharge? Yeast or bacterial infection leads to abnormal discharge. In such cases consult your doctor at earliest for the treatment.

What are the Types of vaginal discharge?

There are various types of discharges some are normal and some are abnormal. It depends on color, consistency, and smell. Other symptoms like pain and itching may or may not be present.

• Clear and watery
A clear and watery discharge is common before and after menses. It is normal.

• Clear and stretchy
When the discharge is clear and mucous-like stretchy it indicated you are ovulating, it is perfectly normal.

• White
If the discharge is curdy with offensive stench and symptoms like itching are accompanied then it indicated a yeast infection. The white discharge occasionally before or after menses is normal.

• Brown or bloody
Brown discharge after menses is normal. Inter menstrual bleeding in small amount occasionally also doesn’t indicate a major problem.
But if there is spotting at the time of menses in sexually active women then it could be indicative of pregnancy. In rare cases, it is a sign of endometrial or cervical cancer or fibroid or any abnormal growths. Gynecology check-up is essential and yearly Pap smear test is vital.

• Yellow or green
A vaginal discharge which is greenish-yellow in color and is having an offensive smell which chunky consistency then it can be Trichomoniasis which is spread through sexual intercourse.

What are the Causes of vaginal discharge?

The vaginal discharge is a healthy bodily function. It’s the body’s way of keeping the system clean and protecting the vagina.

Normal causes are:-

• Puberty
• Sexual intercourse
• Menopause
• Pregnancy
• Emotional stress
• Ovulation

Abnormal vaginal discharge, however, is usually caused by an infection such as: –

• Bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection. It has a fishy odor and it happens to females who have multiple sexual partners, unprotected sex and who receive oral sex.

• Trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis is an infection caused by a protozoan organism. It spreads by using the same towels or clothes or via sexual transmission. The discharge is yellowish and greenish with an offensive smell.

• Yeast infection
A yeast infection is a fungal infection has burning and itching and results in white curdy cheese-like discharge.
The following factors are responsible for increasing your likelihood of yeast infections:
-use of Oral contraceptive pills
-Prolonged use of antibiotics

• Gonorrhea and chlamydia
Gonorrhea and chlamydia are sexually transmitted infections which produce greenish yellowish discharge which are cloudy inconsistency.

• Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection is spread via sexual encounter.

• Human papilloma-virus (HPV) or cervical cancer
The human papilloma-virus (HPV) infection is spread by sexual contact. It can lead to cervical cancer. It may be asymptomatic but it can produce greenish discharge with an offensive smell. It can be diagnosed by doing yearly Pap smears and HPV Testing.

The other causes are: –
A – Unhygienic toilet habits
B – Cervical polyp, cervical erosion
C – Anemia
D – Stress and tension
E – Hormonal imbalance
F – Chronic constipation

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Vaginal Discharge?

• Weakness and tiredness
• Pain in the lumbar region, calves and dragging sensation in the abdomen
• Intense itching in the vagina
• Headache
• Irritability

When should you consult your doctor?

If you have any of these symptoms then you must consult your health care provider.

-pain in the abdomen
-unexplained weight loss
-increased urination

If you have any concerns regarding whether a discharge is normal, make an appointment to see your doctor.

What are the investigations for Vaginal Discharge?

– History regarding discharge, duration, and intensity.
– General examination of the affected area.
– Pap smear

What is the treatment for Vaginal Discharge?

-Treatment of STDs

What is the management of Vaginal discharge?

• Proper sleep, exercise, fresh air, cleanliness.
• Well balanced diet
• Maintain hygiene of the vaginal area. Avoid harsh soaps as they kill the helpful micro-organisms.
• Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
• Drinking a lot of fluids
• Wear cotton clothes
• Avoiding the use of perfumes and powders on genitals
• Avoid stress
• Avoid excess sugar, alcohol and spicy food.

What are the Home care management tips for vaginal discharge?

– Prevent Infections
– Wear cotton undergarments
– Avoid using Douches
– Practice Safe Sex
– Eat yogurt

What is the Homeopathic treatment for Vaginal Discharge?

-Calcarea carb
-Lilium tig
-Natrum Mur

For more information, you can visit WebMD and eMedicine.

Vaginal Discharge

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