Urethral Stricture

Urethral stricture is the narrowing of the urethra which can be due to trauma, infection, tumors, surgeries, or any other cause of scarring. It is more commonly found in males. The narrowing reduces the flow of urine and makes it more difficult or even painful to empty the bladder.


What is Urethral Stricture?

Urethral stricture is the narrowing of the urethra which can result in restricted urine flow. 

This can be due to trauma, infection, tumours, surgeries, or any other cause of scarring that may lead to urethral narrowing or stricture. Urethral stricture is more common in men and boys.

In males, the urethra travels through the penis carrying urine and semen. In females, the urethra is shorter lying above the vaginal opening.

Who is more prone to get affected by Urethral Stricture?

It commonly occurs in men, but it’s a rare occurrence in female patients.

What are the causes of Urethral stricture?

In this condition, there is a constriction in the urethra. This is usually caused due to tissue inflammation and scar formation. Certain acute injuries can also lead to stricture formation. Some of the other causes of urethral stricture are : 

  1. A history of sexually transmitted disease (STD)
  2.  Any instrument inserted into the urethra (such as a catheter or cystoscope)
  3.  Benign prostatic hyperplasia
  4. Injury or trauma to the pelvic area
  5.  Urethritis
  6. Cancer
  7. Rarely congenital malformation
  8. Untreated or recurrent urinary tract infections. 
  9. Pelvic fracture

Sometimes, the inflammation or injury to your urethra happens long before you notice a urethral stricture. In other cases, the stricture develops soon after a urethral injury.

How does Urethral stricture present itself in signs and symptoms? 

Usually, the symptoms are presented when there is considerable narrowing of the urethra and restricted urine flow. Some of these blockages can last for a long time and can damage kidneys. 

Some of these symptoms are:

  1. Urgency in urine
  2. Blood in semen
  3.  Dark urine
  4. Decreased urine output
  5. Discharge from the urethra
  6.  Inability to urinate (urinary retention)
  7.  Painful urination
  8.  Pain in the lower abdomen
  9. Pelvic pain
  10.  Urine is slow stream
  11.  Swelling of the penis

What are the risk factors associated with this condition? 

Some men have a high risk of developing this complication, some of these are :

  • History of one or more STIs
  • Had a recent catheter  placement
  • Recent history of swelling and urethra infection. 
  • An enlarged prostate

How can we diagnose the condition? 

The best way to diagnose this condition is through a complete analysis of the patient which includes a thorough physical examination and accurate diagnostic tests.

 A physical examination may show the following:
  1.  Enlarged or tender lymph nodes in the (inguinal) area.
  2. Enlarged prostate
  3. Hardness (in duration) on the undersurface of the penis
  4. Redness or swelling of the penis.
Some of the  Tests which can help in the diagnosis of the disease are :
  • Cystoscopy
  • Urinalysis
  • Urine culture
  • Prostate examination and screening for prostate cancer

Can you pass urine with urethral stricture? 

Most people can pee with a urethral stricture, but it may be uncomfortable or painful. You may not feel like you’re able to empty your bladder.

You might not be able to pee at all if you have a severe urethral stricture. Seek medical help quickly if you feel like you have to pee but can’t. This condition is known as urine retention and can be very painful and lead to renal complications. 

Do I need treatment for this condition or does it get resolved on its own? 

Yes, You definitely should get treated for this condition as soon as possible.

Without treatment, a urethral stricture can cause life-threatening complications, including kidney failure and severe infections.

Are there any preventive measures for this condition? 

Some of the practices which we can help in the possible prevention are : 

  •  Avoiding any injury to the urethra and pelvis.
  • Acquired structures may be a result of inflammation caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • Chlamydia is now the more common cause, but strictures caused by this infection may be prevented by avoiding contact with infected individuals or by using condoms.
  • Antibiotics treatment
  • Be careful with self-catheterization
  • Use lubricating jelly liberally
  • Use the smallest possible catheter needed for the shortest time

Urethral strictures are not contagious, but sexually transmitted infections are.

What Homeopathy medicines are indicated in cases of Urethral stricture?

Well-indicated remedies can help in the efficient treatment and management of this condition. However, It is advised to the patient to avoid self-medication and always consult a professional homoeopath for treatment. 

  1. Clematis erecta: This medicine can be thought of when there is  Frequent urination yet the passage of scanty urine and inability to pass all urine at once followed by dribbling after urination.
  2. Prunus Spinosa: Urethral stricture where the urine stream is as thin as thread. Ineffectual and urgent need to urinate. Urine appears only after straining for a long duration. 
  3. Nitric Acid: Symptoms which correspond are Urinary stricture with a thin urine stream. Burning and stinging pain on urinating. Urine may be scanty, dark, and highly offensive.
  4. Apis Mellifica: Urethral stricture when there is stinging, smarting, burning or scalding pain while passing urine. Pain gets worse while passing the last drops.
  5. Cantharis: Marked pain while urinating. Excessive pain in the urethra before, during and after passing urine. Pain may be cutting, or burning in nature. urine passes drop by drop.

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