Typhoid ( Enteric Fever )

What is Typhoid or Enteric Fever? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!


What is typhoid fever?

The typhoid fever is also known as ENTERIC FEVER. The fever is caused by bacteria called SALMONELLA TYPHI.

Salmonella bacteria affects mainly on intestines.

The Typhoid fever is an acute infectious illness associated with fever that is most often caused by the Salmonella typhi bacteria.

The typhoid fever also can be caused by Salmonella paratyphi, it is the type of Salmonella bacterium that usually leads to a less severe illness.

How it is transmitted or spread?

The Salmonella bacteria enter in healthy persons through oral route by ingesting unhealthy food containing this bacterium.

An individual with poor hygiene condition is more affected or prone to this condition.

The poor sanitation practices.

Salmonella typhi bacteria enter in the environment through infected stool and urine of infected person.

Some conditions in which the infected hands come in contact with healthy food.

Which age group is more affected?

Mainly the children and young adults are more affected.

The males are more prone to get infected by typhoid fever as compared to females.

What causes typhoid fever?

• The most common cause of typhoid fever is Salmonella Typhi bacteria.

• Feco – oral route.

• The poor sanitation and contaminated water in developing countries cause typhoid fever.

• The spread of typhoid fever is through contaminated food and water.

• In rare cases, the infection is caused by direct contact with the infected person.

• Contaminated hands

What is the sign and symptoms of typhoid fever?

• Weakness of the body

• Headache

• Drowsiness

• Pain in the limbs

Symptoms appear in the first week of infection are:

• Constipation

• Diarrhoea and vomiting in children

• A headache

• Fever

Second-week symptoms

• A cough

• Abdominal distension

• Diarrhoea

• Spleen enlargement

• Red spots on chest, abdomen

Third week

• Complications

• Delirium

• If it is left untreated it will lead to coma and in rare cases, death may occur.

Which organ is affected by typhoid?

The most commonly digestive system is affected by the SALMONELLA TYPHI bacteria, which leads to:

• stomach pain,

• Ddiarrhea or constipation,

• And weight loss

What is the complication of typhoid fever?

• Haemorrhage in intestine

• Perforation in intestines

• Infection in bone and joints

• Meningitis

• Cholecystitis

• Nephritis

• Myocarditis

How is typhoid diagnosed?

• WBC count

• Blood culture

• Widal test

What is widal test in blood report?

The Widal test is one method that may be used diagnosis of enteric fever. This test is positive if the person is suffering from typhoid fever.

How many days the typhoid fever will take to cure?

If the typhoid fever is diagnosed in early stages, in this case, the course of antibiotic tablets may be take care of all the symptoms and it depends upon person to person. Most people need to take antibiotic for 7 to14 days.

How to prevent the Typhoid fever?

• Always wash hands before eating

• Cover eatables

• Wash hands properly after defecation

• Improve sanitation and living condition

• Clean drinking water

Can homeopathy help in this case?

Yes, homeopathy is based on concept of complete case taking and prescribing medicines based on the symptomatology, however few indicated medicines are as follows-

• Baptisia

• Arnica Montana

• Rhustoxidendron

• Bryonia alba

For more information, you can visit Medical News Today and MayoClinic.

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