Tympanic Membrane Rupture

What causes tympanic membrane rupture? Is a ruptured eardrum an emergency? How do you treat a ruptured eardrum? What are the complications? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

tympanic membrane rupture

What is tympanic membrane?

Tympanic membrane also called ear drum, it is a stiff but movable tissue that separates the outer and middle ear. Tympanic membrane performs the functions of – Hearing and Protection.

Ear drum ( tympanic membrane )is a thin, oval layer of tissue lying deep in the ear canal, it receives vibrations from outer ear and transmits them to small hearing bones ( ossicles ) of middle ear .

What is ruptured tympanic membrane?

Ruptured tympanic membrane presents as a whole or tear in the membrane.

A ruptured eardrum results in hearing loss and makes middle ear vulnerable to infections.

Causes of tympanic membrane rupture?

-Changes in ear pressure: Any increase or decrease in the pressure inside ears may damage eardrums which occurs while travelling in a plane, or any underwater sports .

-Trauma to your eardrum

-Ear infection: Infections in middle ear may cause fluid or pus which collect behind eardrum. The fluid and pus causes pressure in the ear which results into eardrum tear.

-Head trauma: A hard slap on a face or on ear may also cause ear damage. Head traumas may cause a skull or facial fracture (break) in the bones near your ear. The sharp edge of a broken bone may puncture ear and cause damage to eardrum.

-Past ear surgery or procedure

What happens when tympanic membrane ruptures?

Once tympanic membrane ruptures, it results in the hearing loss and also make middle ear vulnerable to infections or injury.

Symptoms of the tympanic membrane rupture?

-Consistent ear pain that stops suddenly

-Clear, pus-filled or bloody drainage from your ear

-Hearing loss

-Ringing in your ear (tinnitus)

-Spinning sensation (vertigo)

-Nausea or vomiting that can result from vertigo

How much time does a perforated ear drum takes to heal?

Ruptured eardrum heals within three months. Doctors generally prescribe an antibiotics to prevent an ear infection.

Is a ruptured eardrum is an emergency?

Ruptured ear drum is not an emergency as it relieves pressure and pain.

How do you know that eardrum is ruptured?

-ear begins to drain once pain subsided.

-may have some temporary hearing loss in the affected ear.

-may experience tinnitus, a constant ringing or buzzing in the ears


Is a ruptured eardrum painful?

No, ruptured ear drum is painless. Once ear begins to drain pain goes away.

What are the investigations for tympanic membrane rupture?

-Tuning fork evaluation.


-Audiology exam.

-Laboratory tests to detect a bacterial or viral infection of your middle ear.

What are the complications of tympanic membrane rupture?

-Hearing loss.

-Middle ear infection (otitis media).

-Middle ear cyst (cholesteatoma).

What are the treatment for tympanic membrane rupture?

-Eardrum patch.

If the tear or hole in eardrum doesn’t close on its own, it is sealed with a paper patch.

-Surgery (tympanoplasty and myringoplasty)

Homeopathic treatment for Tympanic membrane rupture?



-Hepar sulphur

-Merc. Sol.

For more information, you can visit WebMD and eMedicine.

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