Tourette Syndrome

What is Tourette Syndrome? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

Tourette Syndrome

What is the cause of Tourette syndrome?

It’s a disorder caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Dopamine and Sserotonin, might play a role in causing Tourette syndrome but the exact cause of Tourette syndrome is unknown.

What is tourette syndrome?

Tourette syndrome is a condition in which there is sudden uncontrolled, repetitive muscle contractions or movements and sounds also known as tics.

What are the symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome?

-Simple motor tics include: blinking of eyes, rotation or elevation of the shoulders.

-Complex motor tics include: jumping, kicking.

-Simple phonic tics include: grunting, clearing throat repetitively.

-Complex phonic tics include: complex and loud sounds.

Is Tourette Syndrome considered a mental illness?

Tourette syndrome is not a mental illness, it is a movement disorder of the muscles.

Can tics be cured?

Tics cannot be cured but it can be managed by the behavioural therapy. Behavioral therapy is a treatment that teaches people, how to manage the tics.

What medication is used to treat tics?

Haloperidol, a typical antipsychotic.

Risperidone, an atypical antipsychotic, and non-stimulant medications are used to treat ADHD — including Strattera and Guanfacine.

clonazepam – it is a medicine which helps in reduceing the severity of tics.

Can ADHD medicine cause tics?

Yes, ADHD medication may cause tics. These tics go away

When medication of ADHD is discontinues.

Do people with ADHD have tics?

No, ADHD do not cause tics but if there is a family or of tics then person may suffer from tics.

What age do Tourette’s symptoms begin?

The symptoms of TS generally appear after or at the age of 7 years. The symptoms are facial tics, such as eye blinks.

Are tics caused by stress?

Exact cause for tics is unknown but stress or sleep deprivation may play a role in the occurrence and severity of motor tics.

Investigations for Tourette syndrome?

If the person has tics either vocal or motor for at least one year then a person is said to be affected with Tourette syndrome.

Neuro-imaging studies may be needed to exclude other conditions that may be confused with Tourette syndrome.

Neuro-imaging studies include:


• CT


What are the symptoms for confirmation of the diagnosis of tics?

-Show many motor tics and vocal tics,

-Have both these tics for at least one year,

-Develop tics before 18 years of age, and

-Have no other neurological problem.

Treatment for Tourette syndrome?

-In majority of the person no medicines are required to suppress tics in Tourette syndrome.

-If the tics are troublesome then neuroleptic medicines e.g. haloperidol, pimozide, etc. are used to suppress the tics.

These medicines are not able to eliminate the symptoms completely and unfortunately there are side effects of these medicines.

Side-effects of neuroleptic drugs are weight gain, sedation, tremor, dystonia, parkinsonian like symptoms. But these symptoms can be managed with the reduction of dose.

-If neuroleptic drugs are being used for long time, it must be reduced slowly to avoid withdrawal symptoms and increase in tics.

-Some medicines are effectively used in patients to treat neuro-behavioral disorders that are associated with Tourette syndrome.

-In people having ADHD with Tourette syndrome medicines such as methylephenidate and dextroamphitemine is helpful in reducing the symptoms.

-Psychotherapy may prove helpful.

Complication of Tourette syndrome?

-Impulsive behavior

-Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

-Obsessive-compulsive disorder

-Poor social skills.

Homeopathic treatment for Tourette Syndrome?

Every branch of science has its own scope and limitations, so does Homeopathy too, therefore there is no specific treatment for Tourette Syndrome in homeopathy.

For more information, you can visit MayoClinic and NIH.

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